AQ rws mMfl ]
ath raas ma(n)ddal ||
Now begins the description of the sphere of Amurous Pastime
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
jb AweI hY kwqk kI ruq sIql kwn@ qbY Aq hI rsIAw ]
jab aaiee hai kaatak kee rut seetala; kaan(h) tabai at hee raseeaa ||
When the winter of the month of Kartik arrived,
sMg gopn Kyl ibcwr krÎo ju huqo Bgvwn mhw jsIAw ]
sa(n)g gopan khel bichaar karayo; ju huto bhagavaan mahaa jaseeaa ||
Then the aesthete Krishna thought about his amorous sport with the gopis
ApivqRn logn ky ijh ky pg lwgq pwp sBY nsIAw ]
apavitran logan ke jeh ke; pag laagat paap sabhai naseeaa ||
The sins of the impious people are destroyed by the touch of the feet of Krishna
iqhko suin qRIXn ky sMg Kyl invwrhu kwm iehY bsIAw ]441]
tihako sun treeyan ke sa(n)g khela; nivaarahu kaam ihai baseeaa ||441||
Hearing about the thought of Krishna regarding his amorous sport with the women, all the gopis gathered around him from all the four sides.441.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
Awnn jwih inswpiq so idRg koml hY kmlw dl kYsy ]
aanan jaeh nisaapat so; dhirag komal hai kamalaa dhal kaise ||
Their faces are like moon, their delicate eyes like lotus, their eyebrows like bows and their eyelashes like arrows
hY Brty Dn sy brnI sr dUr krY qn ky duKrY sy ]
hai bharate dhan se baranee sara; dhoor karai tan ke dhukharai se ||
Seeing such beautiful women, all the sufferings of the body are effeced
kwm hI swn ky swQ Gsy duK swDn ky ktby khu qYsy ]
kaam hee saan ke saath ghase; dhukh saadhan ke katabe kahu taise ||
The bodies of these wanton ladies are like the weapons rubbed and sharpened on the whet stone of lust for the removal of the sufferings of saints
kaul ky pqR ikDo sis swQ lgy kib suMdr sÎwm ArY sy ]442]
kaul ke patr kidho sas saatha; lage kab su(n)dhar sayaam arai se ||442||
They all appear like the lotus-leaves connected with the moon.442.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
b`Dk hY ttIAw brunIDr korn kI duq swiek sWDy ]
ba'dhak hai tateeaa baruneedhara; koran kee dhut saik saa(n)dhe ||
TwFy hY kwn@ ikDo bn mY qn pY isr pY AMbuvw rMg bWDy ]
thaadde hai kaan(h) kidho ban mai; tan pai sir pai a(n)buvaa ra(n)g baa(n)dhe ||
With the girdle tied around his waist and having the eyelashes straightened like arrows, with a yellow cloth tied over the head, Krishna is standing in the forest
cwl clY hrUey hrUey mno sIK deI ieh b~Dk pWDy ]
chaal chalai harooe harooe; mano seekh dhiee ieh ba'dhak paa(n)dhe ||
He is moving slowly as if he had been instructed by someone to walk slowly
Aau sB hI Tt b~D ksy mn mohn jwl pIqMbr kWDy ]443]
aau sabh hee that ba'dh kase; man mohan jaal peeta(n)bar kaa(n)dhe ||443||
Having the yellow garment on his shoulder and having tied the waist tightly, he looks extremely impressive.443.
so auT TwiF ikDo bn mY jug qIsr mY piq joaU sIXw ]
so uth thaadd kidho ban mai; jug teesar mai pat jouoo seeyaa ||
jmnw mih Kyl ky kwrn kO Gs cMdn Bwl mY tIko dIXw ]
jamanaa meh khel ke kaaran kaua; ghas cha(n)dhan bhaal mai teeko dheeyaa ||
He, who was Ram, the husband of Sita, in Treta age, he is now standing there in the forest and in order to exhibit his play in Yamuna, he has applied the frontal mark of sandal on his forehead
iBlrw fir nYn ky sYnn ko sB gopn ko mn cor lIXw ]
bhilaraa ddar nain ke sainan ko; sabh gopan ko man chor leeyaa ||
Seeing the signs of his eyes, the Bhils are getting terrified, the hearts of all the gopis are allured by Krishna
kib sÎwm khY Bgvwn ikDo rs kwrn ko Tg bys kIAw ]444]
kab sayaam kahai bhagavaan kidho; ras kaaran ko thag bes keeaa ||444||
The poet Shyam says that in order to give pleasure to all, the Lord (Krishna) has assumed the garb of a Thug.444.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
idRg jwih imRgI piq kI sm hY muK jwih inswpiq sI Cib pweI ]
dhirag jaeh miragee pat kee sam hai; mukh jaeh nisaapat see chhab paiee ||
jwih kurMgn ky irpu sI kt kMcn sI qn nY Cib CweI ]
jaeh kura(n)gan ke rip see kata; ka(n)chan see tan nai chhab chhaiee ||
The beauty of the limbs of those wanton ladies, whose eyes are like the doe, the beauty of the face like the moon, the waist like the lion
pwt bny kdlI dl dÍY jMGÍw pr qIrn sI duq gweI ]
paat bane kadhalee dhal dhavai; ja(n)ghavaiaa par teeran see dhut gaiee ||
AMg pRqMg su suMdr sÎwm kCU aupmw khIAY nhI jweI ]445]
a(n)g prata(n)g su su(n)dhar sayaama; kachhoo upamaa kaheeaai nahee jaiee ||445||
Their legs are like the trunk of the Kadli (Banana) tree and their beauty pierces like an arrow the elegance of the body like the gold, can’t be described.445.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
muK jwih inswpiq kI sm hY bn mY iqn gIq irJÎo Aru gwXo ]
mukh jaeh nisaapat kee sam hai; ban mai tin geet rijhayo ar gaayo ||
qw sur ko Dun sRaunn mY ibRjhUM kI qIRXw sB hI sun pwXo ]
taa sur ko dhun sraunan mai; birajahoo(n) kee teerayaa sabh hee sun paayo ||
The moon-faced Krishna, being pleased, began to sing songs in the forest and that tune was heard by all the women of Braja with their ears
Dwie clI hirky imlby khu qau sB ky mn mY jb BwXo ]
dhai chalee harike milabe kahu; tau sabh ke man mai jab bhaayo ||
They are all running to meet Krishna
kwn@ mno imRgnI juvqI Clby khu GMtkhyr bnwXo ]446]
kaan(h) mano miraganee juvatee; chhalabe kahu gha(n)takaher banaayo ||446||
It appears that Krishna himself was like the horn and the beautiful women allured by the horn were like deer.446.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
murlI muK kwn@r ky qrUey qr sÎwm khY ibiD KUb CkI ]
muralee mukh kaan(h)r ke tarooe tara; sayaam kahai bidh khoob chhakee ||
Krishna has put his flute on his lips and he is standing under a tree
ibRj Bwmn Aw phucI dvrI suD ihXw ju rhI n kCU muK kI ]
biraj bhaaman aa pahuchee dhavaree; sudh hiyaa ju rahee na kachhoo mukh kee ||
The women of Braja have come there running and forgetting the consciousness of their mind and body
muK ko ipK rUp ky bsÎ BeI mq hYÍ Aiq hI kih kwn@ bkI ]
mukh ko pikh roop ke basay bhiee; mat haivai at hee keh kaan(h) bakee ||
iek JUim prI iek gwie auTI qn mY iek hYÍ rihgI su jkI ]447]
eik jhoom paree ik gai uthee; tan mai ik haivai rahigee su jakee ||447||
On seeing the face of Krishna, they have been highly enchanted by his beauty that someone swung and fell down, someone got up singing and someone is lying inactive.447.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
hir kI suin kY sur sRaunn mY sB Dwie clI ibRj BUim sKI ]
har kee sun kai sur sraunan mai; sabh dhai chalee biraj bhoom sakhee ||
Hearing the sound (of the flute) with their ears, all the women of Braja ran towards Krishna
sB mYn ky hwQ geI bD kY sB suMdr sÎwm kI pyK AKI ]
sabh main ke haath giee badh kai; sabh su(n)dhar sayaam kee pekh akhee ||
Seeing the wanton eyes of beautiful Krishna, they have been entrapped by the god of love
inkrI igRh qy imRgnI sm mwnhu gopn qy nih jwih rKI ]
nikaree gireh te miraganee sam maanahu; gopan te neh jaeh rakhee ||
They have left their houses like deer as if they got their release from gopas and have come to Krishna,
ieh BWiq hrI pih Awie geI jnu Awie geI suD jwn sKI ]448]
eeh bhaa(n)t haree peh aai giee; jan aai giee sudh jaan sakhee ||448||
Getting impatient and meeting him like one woman with the other woman on knowing his address.448.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
geI Awie dso ids qy gupIAw sBhI rs kwn@ ky swQ pgI ]
giee aai dhaso dhis te gupeeaa; sabhahee ras kaan(h) ke saath pagee ||
Enchanted by the tune of Krihsna, the gopis have reached him from all the ten directions
ipK kY muiK kwn@ ko cMd klw su ckorn sI mn mY aumgI ]
pikh kai mukh kaan(h) ko cha(n)dh kalaa; su chakoran see man mai umagee ||
On seeing the face of Krishna, their mind has been emotionally charmed like the partridge on seeing the moon
hir ko pun su~D su Awnn pyiK ikDO iqnkI Tg fIT lgI ]
har ko pun su'dh su aanan pekhi; kidhau tinakee thag ddeeth lagee ||
Again seeing the beautiful face of Krishna, the sight of gopis has stayed there
Bgvwn pRsMin BXo ipKkY kib sXwm mno imRg dyK imRgI ]449]
bhagavaan prasa(n)n bhayo pikhakai; kab sayaam mano mirag dhekh miragee ||449||
Krishna also is getting pleased on beholding them like the deer seeing the doe.449.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
gopn kI brjI n rhI sur kwn@r kI sunby khu qRwGI ]
gopan kee barajee na rahee; sur kaan(h)r kee sunabe kahu traaghee ||
Though forbidden by the gopas, the impetuous gopis, got impatient, for listening to the tune of Krishna’s flute
nwK clI Apny igRh ieau ijmu m`q jugIsÍr ieMdRih lwGI ]
naakh chalee apane gireh iau; jim ma't jugeesavair i(n)dhreh laaghee ||
They have forsaken their houses and are moving in intoxication like Shiva moving, without caring for Indra
dyKn ko muiK qwih clI joaU kwm klw hUko hY Pun QwGI ]
dhekhan ko mukh taeh chalee; jouoo kaam kalaa hooko hai fun thaaghee ||
In order to see the face of Krishna and full of lust,
fwr clI isrky pt ieau jnu fwr clI sB lwj bhwGI ]450]
ddaar chalee sirake pat iau; jan ddaar chalee sabh laaj bahaaghee ||450||
Even abandoning the head-dress, they are moving forsaking all shyness.450.
kwn@ ky pws geI jbhI qbhI sB gopn lIn su sM|w ]
kaan(h) ke paas giee jabahee; tabahee sabh gopan leen su sa(n)n(g)aa ||
cIr pry igr kY qn BUKn tUt geI iqn hwQn bM|w ]
cheer pare gir kai tan bhookhana; toot giee tin haathan ba(n)n(g)aa ||
When the gopis reached near Krishna, their consciousness returned and they saw that their ornaments and garments had fallen down and in their impatience, the bangles of their hands had broken
kwn@ ko rUp inhwr sBY gupIAw kib sÎwm BeI iek rM|w ]
kaan(h) ko roop nihaar sabhai gupeeaa; kab sayaam bhiee ik ra(n)n(g)aa ||
hoie geI qn mY sBhI iek rMg mno sB Cof kY sM|w ]451]
hoi giee tan mai sabhahee; ik ra(n)g mano sabh chhodd kai sa(n)n(g)aa ||451||
Seeing the countenance of Krishna, became one with him and intoxicated with this unison they all cast away their shyness of body and mind.451.
sÍYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
gopn BUl geI igRhkI suD kwn@hI ky rs BIqr rwcI ]
gopan bhool giee girahakee sudha; kaan(h)hee ke ras bheetar raachee ||
Imbued with the love of Krishna, the gopis forgot the consciousness about their houses
Bauh BrI mDrI brnI sBhI su FrI jnu mYn ky swcI ]
bhauh bharee madharee baranee; sabhahee su ddaree jan main ke saachee ||
Their eyebrows and eyelashes were showering wine and it appeared that the god of love had himself created them
Cor dey rs Aaurn sÍwd Bly Bgvwn hI so sB mwcI ]
chhor dhe ras aauran savaiaadha; bhale bhagavaan hee so sabh maachee ||
soBq qw qn mY hirky mno kMcn mY cunIAw cuin KwcI ]452]
sobhat taa tan mai harike; mano ka(n)chan mai chuneeaa chun khaachee ||452||
They forgot all other pleasures except their absorption in the love of Krishna and looked splendid like the select idols of gold heaped together.452.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
kwnH ko rUp inhwr rhI ibRj mY ju huqI gupIAw Aiq hwCI ]
kaanh ko roop nihaar rahee; biraj mai ju hutee gupeeaa at haachhee ||
The most beautiful gopis of Braja are seeing the beauty of Krishna
rwjq jwih imRgI piq nYn ibrwjq suMdr hY sm mwCI ]
raajat jaeh miragee pat naina; biraajat su(n)dhar hai sam maachhee ||
Their eyes are beautiful like doe and their creation and features are like fish
soBq hY ibRjmMfl mY jn Kylby kwj ntI ieh kwCI ]
sobhat hai birajama(n)ddal mai; jan khelabe kaaj natee ieh kaachhee ||
dyKn hwr ikDON Bgvwn idKwvq Bwv hmY ihXw AwCI ]453]
dhekhan haar kidhaua(n) bhagavaana; dhikhaavat bhaav hamai hiyaa aachhee ||453||
They are playful like the wandering female dancers of Braja and on the pretext of seeing Krishna, they are exhibiting charming gestures.453.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
sohq hY sB goipn ky kib sÎwm khY idRg AMjn AWjy ]
sohat hai sabh gopin ke; kab sayaam kahai dhirag a(n)jan aa(n)je ||
The poet Shyam says that amidst all the gopis, Krishna is looking impressive, with antimony in his eyes
kauln kI jnu suiD pRBw sr suMdr swn ky aUpir mWjy ]
kaulan kee jan sudh prabhaa; sar su(n)dhar saan ke uoopar maa(n)je ||
His beauty is being seen like the pure beauty of the lotus-flowers
bYiT GrI iek mY cqurwnn mYn ky qwq bny kis swjy ]
baith gharee ik mai chaturaanana; main ke taat bane kas saaje ||
It seems that Brahma has created him as the brother of the god of love and he is so mush beautiful that he is even alluring the minds of Yogis
mohiq hY mn jogn ky Pun joign ky gn bIc klw jy ]454]
mohat hai man jogan ke funa; jogin ke gan beech kalaa je ||454||
Krishna of unique beauty besieged by the gopis, appears like a gana besieged by the Yoginis.454.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
TwiF hY kwn@ soaU mih gopn jwih ko AMq munI nih bUJy ]
thaadd hai kaan(h) souoo meh gopana; jaeh ko a(n)t munee neh boojhe ||
koit krY aupmw bhu brKn nYnn so qaU nYk n sUJy ]
kot karai upamaa bahu barakhana; nainan so tuoo naik na soojhe ||
The same Krishna is standing amidst gopis, whose end could not be comprehended by the sages, millions praise him for many years, still He cannot be comprehended a little with the eyes
qwhI ky AMiq lKYby ky kwrn sUr Gny rn BIqr JUJy ]
taahee ke a(n)t lakhaibe ke kaarana; soor ghane ran bheetar jhoojhe ||
In order to know His limits, many warriors have fought bravely in the battlefield
so ibRj BUm ibKY Bgvwn qRIAw gn mY rs bYn ArUJy ]455]
so biraj bhoom bikhai bhagavaana; treeaa gan mai ras bain aroojhe ||455||
And today the same Krishna is absorbed in amorous dialogue with the gopis in Braja.455.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
kwn@r ky inktY jbhI sBhI gupIAw imil suMdr g~eIXW ]
kaan(h)r ke nikatai jabahee; sabhahee gupeeaa mil su(n)dhar ga'ieeyaa(n) ||
so hir m~iD sswnn pyK sBY Pun kMdRp byK bn~eIXw ]
so har ma'dh sasaanan pekha; sabhai fun ka(n)dhrap bekh bana'ieeyaa ||
When all the gopis reached near Krishna, they on seeing the moonface of Krishna, became one with the god of love
lY murlI Apny kr kwn@ ikDO Aiq hI ihq swQ bj~eIXw ]
lai muralee apane kar kaan(h); kidhau at hee hit saath baja'ieeyaa ||
GMtkhyrk ijau ipKkYy imRgnI muih jwq su hY Thr`eIXW ]456]
gha(n)takaherak jiau pikhakaie; miraganee muh jaat su hai thahara'ieeyaa(n) ||456||
When Krishna took his flute in his hand and played on it, all the gopis becam emotionless lke the deer listening to the sound of horn.456.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
mwlisrI Aru rwmklI suB swrMg Bwvn swQ bswvY ]
maalasiree ar raamakalee; subh saara(n)g bhaavan saath basaavai ||
jYqisrI Aru su~D ml@wr iblwvl kI Dun kUk sunwvY ]
jaitasiree ar su'dh mal(h)aara; bilaaval kee dhun kook sunaavai ||
Krishna then played the musical modes like Malshri, Ramkali, Sarang, jaitshri, Shuddh Malhar, Bilawal etc.
lY murlI Apny kr kwn@ ikDO AiqhI ihq swQ bjwvY ]
lai muralee apane kar kaan(h); kidhau atihee hit saath bajaavai ||
paun clY n rhY jmunw iQr moih rhY Dun jo sun pwvY ]457]
paun chalai na; rahai jamunaa thira, moh rahai dhun jo sun paavai ||457||
The wind also became motionless on listening to the lovely tunes from the flute of Krishna and Yamuna also seemed to stop in fascination.457.
sun ky murlI Duin kwn@r kI sB gopn kI sB su~iD CutI ]
sun ke muralee dhun kaan(h)r kee; sabh gopan kee sabh su'dh chhutee ||
Listening to the sound of the flute of Krishna, all the gopis lost their consciousness
sB Cwf clI Apny igRh kwrj kwn@ hI kI Dun swQ jutI ]
sabh chhaadd chalee apane gireh kaaraja; kaan(h) hee kee dhun saath jutee ||
They abandoned their house-work, having been absorbed in the tune of the flute of Krishna the poet Shyam says that at this time Krishna appeared like the deluder-lord of all and the duped gopis have completely lost their understanding
TgnI sr hÍY kib sÎwm khY ien AMqr kI sB m`q lutI ]
thaganee sar havai kab sayaam kahai; in a(n)tar kee sabh ma't lutee ||
imRgnI sm hÍY clqÎ ienky mg lwj kI byl qrwk tutI ]458]
miraganee sam havai chalatay inake maga; laaj kee bel taraak tutee ||458||
The gopis are moving like does and the creeper of their shyness broke down quickly on listening to the tune of Krishna.458.
svYXw ]
savaiyaa ||
kwn@ ko rUp inhwr rhI iqRXw sÎwm khY kib hoie iekwTI ]
kaan(h) ko roop nihaar rahee tirayaa; sayaam kahai kab hoi ikaathee ||
Gathering together to women are looking at the form of Krishna and
ijau sur kI Duin kO sunkY imRgnI cil Awvq jwq n nwTI ]
jiau sur kee dhun kau sunakai; miraganee chal aavat jaat na naathee ||
Moving like the deer listening to the sound of horn they are moving on all the four sides of Krishna
mYn so m~q hYÍ kUdq kwn@ su Coir mno sB lwj kI gwTI ]
main so ma't haivai koodhat kaan(h); su chhor mano sabh laaj kee gaathee ||
Absorbed in lust and abandoning their shyness
gopn ko mnu XO cur gXo ijm Korr pwQr pY crnwTI ]459]
gopan ko man yau chur gayo; jim khorar paathar pai charanaathee ||459||
Their mind seems to have been abducted like the merger of sandal rubbed on the stone.459.
his bwq krY hir sO gupIAw kib sÎwm khY ijn Bwg bfy ]
has baat karai har sau gupeeaa; kab sayaam kahai jin bhaag badde ||
Very fortunate gopis are talking to Krishna smilingly, they are all getting enchanted to seeing Krishna
moih sBY pRgtÎo ien ko ipKkY hir pwpn jwl lfy ]
moh sabhai pragatayo in ko; pikhakai har paapan jaal ladde ||
Krishna has deeply penetrated into the minds of the women of Braja
ikRsnM qn m`iD bDU ibRjkI mn hYÍ kir AwquruA`iq gfy ]
kirasana(n) tan ma'dh badhoo birajakee; man haivai kar aaturua't gadde ||
soaU s`iq ikDo mn jwih gfy su AMDin ijno mn hY Agfy ]460]
souoo sa't kidho man jaeh gadde; su a(n)dhan jino man hai agadde ||460||
Those in whose minds Krishna abides, they hve obtained the knowledge of reality and those, in whose mind, Krishna has not stabilised as yet, they are also fortunate, because they have saved themselves from the unbearable pangs of love.460.
nYn curwie mhw suKu pwie kCU muskwie BXo hir TwFo ]
nain churai mahaa sukh pai; kachhoo musakai bhayo har thaaddo ||
Stealing the eyes and slightly smiling, Krishna is standing there
moih rhI ibRj bwm sBY AiqhI iqhkY mn AwnMd bwFo ]
moh rahee biraj baam sabhai; atihee tihakai man aana(n)dh baaddo ||
Seeing this and with increased pleasure in their minds, the women of Braja have become allured
jW Bgvwn ikDo sIX jIq kY mwir frÎo irp rwvn gwFo ]
jaa(n) bhagavaan kidho seey jeet kai; maar ddarayo rip raavan gaaddo ||
qw Bgvwn ikDo muK qy mukqw nukqw sm AMimRq kwFo ]461]
taa bhagavaan kidho mukh te; mukataa nukataa sam a(n)mirat kaaddo ||461||
That Lord, who had conquered Sita by killing his horrible enemy Ravana, the same Lord at this time is creating a sound beautiful like gems and very sweet like ambrosia.461.