24: gur nwnk dyv jI dw pihlw pRsMg
First episode of Guru Nanak Dev ji
pihlw bwby pwXw bKsu dir ipCo dy iPir Gwil kmweI ]
pahilaa baabay paayaa bakhasu dari pichhoday dhiri ghaali kamaaee.
First of all Baba Nanak obtained the gate of the grace (of Lord) and then He underwent and earned the rigorous discipline( of heart and mind).
ryqu Aku Awhwru kir roVw kI gur krI ivCweI ]
raytu aku aahaaru kari rorhaa kee gur keea vichhaaee.
He fed himself with sand and swallow-wort and made stones his bedding i.e. he enjoyed poverty too.
BwrI krI qpisAw vfy Bwgu hir isau bix AweI ]
bhaaree karee tapasiaa vaday bhaagi hari siu bani aaee.
He offered hid full devotion and then he was fortunate to have proximity with God.
bwbw pYDw scKMif nau iniD nwmu grIbI pweI ]
baabaa paidhaa sachi khandi nau nidhi naamu gareebee paaee.
Baba reached the region of truth wherefrom he received Nam, the storehouse of nine treasures and humility.
bwbw dyKY iDAwn Dir jlqI siB ipRQvI idis AweI ]
baabaa daykhai dhiaanu dhari jalatee sabhi pridavee disi aaee.
In his meditation, Baba found the whole earth burning (with the fire of lust and anger).
bwJhu gurU gubwr hY hY hY krdI suxI lukweI ]
baajhu guroo goubaaru hai hai hai karadee sounee loukaaee.
Without Guru there is utter darkness and he heard the cries of the common men.
bwby ByK bxwieAw audwsI kI rIiq clweI ]
baabay bhaykh banaaiaa udaasee kee reeti chalaaee.
To further understand the people, Guru Nanak donned robes in their manner and preached them to be detached (from the pleasure and pain).
ciVHAw soDix Driq lukweI ]24]
charhhiaa sodhani dharati loukaaee ||24||
Thus he went out to depurate humanity on earth.