31: duinAwvI pwqSwh
The difference between the spiritual and the temporal kings
dunIAwvw pwiqswhu hoie dyie mrY puqY pwiqswhI ]
douneeaavaa paatisaahu hoi dayi marai poutai paatisaahee.
The temporal king dies after handing over the kingdom to his son .
dohI PyrY AwpxI hukmI bMdy sB ispwhI ]
dohee dhayrai aapanee houkamee banday sabh sipaahee.
He establishes his sway over the world and all his soldiers obey him.
kuqbw jwie pVwiedw kwjI mulW krY augwhI ]
koutabaa jaai parhaaidaa kaajee mulaan karai ougaahee.
In the mosque he orders prayers to be said in his name and gaffs and the mullahs (spritual persons in the religious orders of Islam) testify for him.
tkswlY iskw pvY hukmY ivic supydI isAwhI ]
takasaalai sikaa pavai houkamai vichi soupaydee siaahee.
From the mint comes out the coin in his name and every right and wrong is committed at his order.
mwlu mulku Apxwiedw qKq bKq ciVH byprvwhI ]
maalu mulaku apanaaidaa takhat bakhat charhhi bayparavaahee.
He controlles the property and wealth of the country and sits on the throne caring for none. (However) The tradition of the House of the Guru is that the high way shown by earlier Gurus is followed .
bwbwxY Gir cwl hY gurmuiK gwfI rwhu inbwhI ]
baabaanai ghari chaal hai guramoukhi gaadee raahu nibaahee.
In this tradition only the one primal Lord is applauded; the mint (holy congregation) is one here;
iek dohI tkswl iek kuqbw qKqu scw drgwhI ]
ik dohee takasaal ik koutabaa takhatu sachaa daragaahee.
The sermon (of Min) is one and the true throne (the spiritual seat) is also one here.
gurmuiK suK Plu dwid ielwhI ]31]
guramoukhi soukh phalu daadi ilaahee ||31||
Justice of the Lord is such that this fruit of pleasure is given to the gurmukhs by the supreme Lord.