bsµqu mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw cauQw
basanth mehalaa 4 ||
Basant, Fourth Mehl:
rYix idnsu duie sdy pey ]
aucwrx s`dy
rain dhinas dhue sadhae peae ||
Day and night, the two calls are sent out.
mn hir ismrhu AMiq sdw riK ley ]1]
man har simarahu anth sadhaa rakh leae ||1||
O mortal, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, who protects you forever, and saves you in the end. ||1||
hir hir cyiq sdw mn myry ]
har har chaeth sadhaa man maerae ||
Concentrate forever on the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind.
sBu Awlsu dUK Bµij pRBu pwieAw gurmiq gwvhu gux pRB kyry ]1] rhwau ]
sabh aalas dhookh bhanj prabh paaeiaa guramath gaavahu gun prabh kaerae ||1|| rehaao ||
God the Destroyer of all depression and suffering is found, through the Guru's Teachings, singing the Glorious Praises of God. ||1||Pause||
mnmuK iPir iPir haumY muey ]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)
manamukh fir fir houmai mueae ||
The self-willed manmukhs die of their egotism, over and over again.
kwil dYiq sµGwry jm puir gey ]2]
kaal dhaith sanghaarae jam pur geae ||2||
They are destroyed by Death's demons, and they must go to the City of Death. ||2||
gurmuiK hir hir hir ilv lwgy ]
guramukh har har har liv laagae ||
The Gurmukhs are lovingly attached to the Lord, Har, Har, Har.
jnm mrx doaU duK Bwgy ]3]
janam maran dhooo dhukh bhaagae ||3||
Their pains of both birth and death are taken away. ||3||
Bgq jnw kau hir ikrpw DwrI ]
bhagath janaa ko har kirapaa dhhaaree ||
The Lord showers His Mercy on His humble devotees.
guru nwnku quTw imilAw bnvwrI ]4]2]
gur naanak thuthaa miliaa banavaaree ||4||2||
Guru Nanak has shown mercy to me; I have met the Lord, the Lord of the forest. ||4||2||