pauVI ]
pourree ||
hir kw nwmu Amolu hY ikau kImiq kIjY ]
har kaa naam amol hai kio keemath keejai ||
The Name of the Lord is priceless. How can its value be estimated?
Awpy isRsit sB swjIAnu Awpy vrqIjY ]
aapae srisatt sabh saajeean aapae varatheejai ||
He Himself created the entire universe, and He Himself is pervading it.
gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY scu kImiq kIjY ]
guramukh sadhaa salaaheeai sach keemath keejai ||
The Gurmukhs praise the Lord forever, and through the Truth, they assess Him.
gur sbdI kmlu ibgwisAw iev hir rsu pIjY ]
gur sabadhee kamal bigaasiaa eiv har ras peejai ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the heart-lotus blossoms forth, and in this way, one drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord.
Awvx jwxw TwikAw suiK shij svIjY ]7]
aavan jaanaa thaakiaa sukh sehaj saveejai ||7||
Coming and going in reincarnation ceases, and one sleeps in peace and poise. ||7||