SGGSAng 483Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio7 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


pihlI krUip kujwiq kulKnI swhurY pyeIAY burI ]

aucwrx k-rUip; ku-jwiq; kul`KnI

pehilee karoop kujaath kulakhanee saahurai paeeeai buree ||

My first wife, ignorance, was ugly, of low social status and bad character; she was evil in my home, and in her parents' home.

Ab kI srUip sujwin sulKnI shjy audir DrI ]1]

aucwrx s-rUip; su-jwin; sul`KnI

ab kee saroop sujaan sulakhanee sehajae oudhar dhharee ||1||

My present bride, divine understanding, is beautiful, wise and well-behaved; I have taken her to my heart. ||1||

BlI srI mueI myrI pihlI brI ]

aucwrx mueI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUeI)

bhalee saree muee maeree pehilee baree ||

It has turned out so well, that my first wife has died.

jugu jugu jIvau myrI Ab kI DrI ]1] rhwau ]

jug jug jeevo maeree ab kee dhharee ||1|| rehaao ||

May she, whom I have now married, live throughout the ages. ||1||Pause||

khu kbIr jb lhurI AweI bfI kw suhwgu tirE ]

aucwrx tirE: polw bolo

kahu kabeer jab lahuree aaee baddee kaa suhaag ttariou ||

Says Kabeer, when the younger bride came, the elder one lost her husband.

lhurI sµig BeI Ab myrY jyTI Aauru DirE ]2]2]32]

lahuree sang bhee ab maerai jaethee aour dhhariou ||2||2||32||

The younger bride is with me now, and the elder one has taken another husband. ||2||2||32||