SGGSAng 1247Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


nwmu slwhin nwmu mMin AsiQru jig soeI ]

naam salaahan naam mann asathhir jag soee ||

Those who praise the Naam, and believe in the Naam, are eternally stable in this world.

ihrdY hir hir icqvY dUjw nhI koeI ]

hiradhai har har chithavai dhoojaa nehee koee ||

Within their hearts, they dwell on the Lord, and nothing else at all.

roim roim hir aucrY iKnu iKnu hir soeI ]

rom rom har oucharai khin khin har soee ||

With each and every hair, they chant the Lord's Name, each and every instant, the Lord.

gurmuiK jnmu skwrQw inrmlu mlu KoeI ]

aucwrx s-kwrQw

guramukh janam sakaarathhaa niramal mal khoee ||

The birth of the Gurmukh is fruitful and certified; pure and unstained, his filth is washed away.

nwnk jIvdw purKu iDAwieAw Amrwpdu hoeI ]25]

naanak jeevadhaa purakh dhhiaaeiaa amaraa padh hoee ||25||

O Nanak, meditating on the Lord of eternal life, the status of immortality is obtained. ||25||