pauVI ]
pourree ||
TTw mnUAw Twhih nwhI ]
thathaa manooaa thaahehi naahee ||
T'HAT'HA: Those who have abandoned all else and
jo sgl iqAwig eykih lptwhI ]
jo sagal thiaag eaekehi lapattaahee ||
Who cling to the One Lord alone do not make trouble for anyone's mind.
Thik Thik mwieAw sµig mUey ]
thehak thehak maaeiaa sang mooeae ||
Those who are totally absorbed and preoccupied with Maya are dead;
auAw kY kusl n kqhU hUey ]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)
ouaa kai kusal n kathehoo hooeae ||
They do not find happiness anywhere.
TWiF prI sMqh sµig bisAw ]
thaandt paree santheh sang basiaa ||
One who dwells in the Society of the Saints finds a great peace;
AMimRq nwmu qhw jIA risAw ]
anmrith naam thehaa jeea rasiaa ||
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam becomes sweet to his soul.
Twkur Apuny jo jnu BwieAw ]
thaakur apunae jo jan bhaaeiaa ||
That humble being, who is pleasing to his Lord and Master
nwnk auAw kw mnu sIqlwieAw ]28]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw); sIq-lwieAw
naanak ouaa kaa man seethalaaeiaa ||28||
- O Nanak, his mind is cooled and soothed. ||28||