pauVI ]
pourree ||
sUry eyih n AwKIAih Ahµkwir mrih duKu pwvih ]
soorae eaehi n aakheeahi ahankaar marehi dhukh paavehi ||
They are not called heroes, who die of egotism, suffering in pain.
AMDy Awpu n pCwxnI dUjY pic jwvih ]
andhhae aap n pashhaananee dhoojai pach jaavehi ||
The blind ones do not realize their own selves; in the love of duality, they rot.
Aiq kroD isau lUJdy AgY ipCY duKu pwvih ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
ath karodhh sio loojhadhae agai pishhai dhukh paavehi ||
They struggle with great anger; here and hereafter, they suffer in pain.
hir jIau Ahµkwru n BwveI vyd kUik suxwvih ]
har jeeo ahankaar n bhaavee vaedh kook sunaavehi ||
The Dear Lord is not pleased by egotism; the Vedas proclaim this clearly.
Ahµkwir muey sy ivgqI gey mir jnmih iPir Awvih ]9]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey); ivg`qI
ahankaar mueae sae vigathee geae mar janamehi fir aavehi ||9||
Those who die of egotism, shall not find salvation. They die, and are reborn in reincarnation. ||9||