26: aus smyN dy hwlwq
Erstwhile condition
jqI sqI icrujIvxy swiDk isD nwQ guru cyly ]
jatee satee chirujeevanay saadhik sidh naad guru chaylay.
Celebates, ascetics, immortal anchorites, the siddhs, naths and teacher- taughts were available in abundance.
dyvI dyv irKIsurw BYrau KyqRpwil bhu myly ]
dayvee dayv rikheesuraa bhairau khaytrapaali bahu maylay.
Many varieties of gods, goddesses, munis, bhairavs and other protectors were there.
gx gMDrb Apsrw ikMnr jK ciliq bhu Kyly ]
gan gandharab apasaraa kinnar jakh chaliti bahu khaylay.
In the name of ganas, gandharvs, fairies, kinnars and yaksas, many dragnets and dramas were enacted.
rwkis dwno dYq lK AMdir dUjw Bwau duhyly ]
raakasi daano dait lakhi andari doojaa bhaau duhaylay.
Seeing raksasas, demons, daitys in their imagination, people were totally in the clutches of duality.
haumY AMdir siB ko fuby gurU sxy bhu cyly ]
haoumai andari sabhi ko doubay guroo sanay bahu chaylay.
All were engrossed with ego and the taughts were getting drowned alongwith their teachers.
gurmuiK koie n idseI FUMfy qIriQ jwqRI myly ]
guramoukhi koee n disaee ddhoonday teeradi jaatree maylay.
Even after minute research, the guru-oriented were nowhere to be found.
ifTy ihMdU qurik siB pIr pYkMbir kauim kqyly ]
ditday hindoo turaki sabhi peer paikanbari kaoumi kataylay.
All the sects, pirs, paigambars of the Hindus and Muslims were seen (by Baba Nanak).
AMDI AMDy KUhy Tyly ]26]
andhee andhay khoohay tdaylay ||26||
Blinds were pushing the blinds into well.