SGGSAng 405Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

jIau mnu qnu pRwn pRB ky dIey siB rs Bog ]

jeeo man than praan prabh kae dheeeae sabh ras bhog ||

The soul, the mind, the body and the breath of life belong to God. He has given all tastes and pleasures.

dIn bµDp jIA dwqw srix rwKx jogu ]1]

dheen bandhhap jeea dhaathaa saran raakhan jog ||1||

He is the Friend of the poor, the Giver of life, the Protector of those who seek His Sanctuary. ||1||

myry mn iDAwie hir hir nwau ]

maerae man dhhiaae har har naao ||

O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hliq pliq shwie sMgy eyk isau ilv lwau ]1] rhwau ]

halath palath sehaae sangae eaek sio liv laao ||1|| rehaao ||

Here and hereafter, He is our Helper and Companion; embrace love and affection for the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

byd swsqR jn iDAwvih qrx kau sMswru ]

baedh saasathr jan dhhiaavehi tharan ko sansaar ||

They meditate on the Vedas and the Shaastras, to swim across the world-ocean.

krm Drm Anyk ikirAw sB aUpir nwmu Acwru ]2]

karam dhharam anaek kiriaa sabh oopar naam achaar ||2||

The many religious rituals, good deeds of karma and Dharmic worship - above all of these is the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

kwmu kRoDu Ahµkwru ibnsY imlY siqgur dyv ]

kaam krodhh ahankaar binasai milai sathigur dhaev ||

Sexual desire, anger, and egotism depart, meeting with the Divine True Guru.

nwmu idRVu kir Bgiq hir kI BlI pRB kI syv ]3]

naam dhrirr kar bhagath har kee bhalee prabh kee saev ||3||

Implant the Naam within, perform devotional worship to the Lord and serve God - this is good. ||3||

crx srx dieAwl qyrI qUµ inmwxy mwxu ]

charan saran dhaeiaal thaeree thoon nimaanae maan ||

I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet, O Merciful Lord; You are the Honor of the dishonored.

jIA pRwx ADwru qyrw nwnk kw pRBu qwxu ]4]2]137]

jeea praan adhhaar thaeraa naanak kaa prabh thaan ||4||2||137||

You are the Support of my soul, my breath of life; O God, You are Nanak's strength. ||4||2||137||