SGGSAng 653Raag SorathRaag Sorath Vaar Mahalley 4 Ki8 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

4 ]

aucwrx mh`lw cauQw

ma 4 ||

Fourth Mehl:

siqgur puriK ij mwirAw BRim BRimAw Gru Coif gieAw ]

sathigur purakh j maariaa bhram bhramiaa ghar shhodd gaeiaa ||

One who is cursed by the True Guru, abandons his home, and wanders around aimlessly.

Esu ipCY vjY PkVI muhu kwlw AwgY BieAw ]

aucwrx v`jY

ous pishhai vajai fakarree muhu kaalaa aagai bhaeiaa ||

He is jeered at, and his face is blackened in the world hereafter.

Esu Arlu brlu muhhu inklY inq JgU sutdw muAw ]

aucwrx muAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUAw, moAw)

ous aral baral muhahu nikalai nith jhagoo suttadhaa muaa ||

He babbles incoherently, and foaming at the mouth, he dies.

ikAw hovY iksY hI dY kIqY jW Duir ikrqu Esdw eyho jyhw pieAw ]

kiaa hovai kisai hee dhai keethai jaan dhhur kirath ous dhaa eaeho jaehaa paeiaa ||

What can anyone do? Such is his destiny, according to his past deeds.

ijQY Ehu jwie iqQY Ehu JUTw kUVu boly iksY n BwvY ]

jithhai ouhu jaae thithhai ouhu jhoothaa koorr bolae kisai n bhaavai ||

Wherever he goes, he is a liar, and by telling lies, he not liked by anyone.

vyKhu BweI vifAweI hir sMqhu suAwmI Apuny kI jYsw koeI krY qYsw koeI pwvY ]

vaekhahu bhaaee vaddiaaee har santhahu suaamee apunae kee jaisaa koee karai thaisaa koee paavai ||

O Siblings of Destiny, behold this, the glorious greatness of our Lord and Master, O Saints; as one behaves, so does he receive.

eyhu bRhm bIcwru hovY dir swcY Ago dy jnu nwnku AwiK suxwvY ]2]

aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

eaehu breham beechaar hovai dhar saachai ago dhae jan naanak aakh sunaavai ||2||

This shall be God's determination in His True Court; servant Nanak predicts and proclaims this. ||2||