SGGSAng 1231Raag SarangMahalla 97 linesGuru Tegh Bahadur Ji

swrµg mhlw 9 ]

aucwrx swrµg mh`lw nwvw: 'swrµg' it`pI sihq bolo

saarang mehalaa 9 ||

Saarang, Ninth Mehl:

khw nr Apno jnmu gvwvY ]

kehaa nar apano janam gavaavai ||

O mortal, why have you wasted your life?

mwieAw mid ibiKAw ris ricE rwm srin nhI AwvY ]1] rhwau ]

maaeiaa madh bikhiaa ras rachiou raam saran nehee aavai ||1|| rehaao ||

Intoxicated with Maya and its riches, involved in corrupt pleasures, you have not sought the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

iehu sMswru sgl hY supno dyiK khw loBwvY ]

eihu sansaar sagal hai supano dhaekh kehaa lobhaavai ||

This whole world is just a dream; why does seeing it fill you with greed?

jo aupjY so sgl ibnwsY rhnu n koaU pwvY ]1]

jo oupajai so sagal binaasai rehan n kooo paavai ||1||

Everything that has been created will be destroyed; nothing will remain. ||1||

imiQAw qnu swco kir mwinE ieh ibiD Awpu bµDwvY ]

mithhiaa than saacho kar maaniou eih bidhh aap bandhhaavai ||

You see this false body as true; in this way, you have placed yourself in bondage.

jn nwnk soaU jnu mukqw rwm Bjn icqu lwvY ]2]3]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo

jan naanak sooo jan mukathaa raam bhajan chith laavai ||2||3||

O servant Nanak, he is a liberated being, whose consciousness lovingly vibrates, and meditates on the Lord. ||2||3||