SGGSAng 1247Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


nwmu slwhin Bwau kir inj mhlI vwsw ]

naam salaahan bhaao kar nij mehalee vaasaa ||

Those who lovingly praise the Naam, and dwell in the mansion of the self deep within,

Eie bwhuiV join n Awvn@I iPir hoih n ibnwsw ]

oue baahurr jon n aavanee fir hohi n binaasaa ||

Do not enter into reincarnation ever again; they shall never be destroyed.

hir syqI rµig riv rhy sB sws igrwsw ]

har saethee rang rav rehae sabh saas giraasaa ||

They remain immersed and absorbed in the love of the Lord, with every breath and morsel of food.

hir kw rMgu kdy n auqrY gurmuiK prgwsw ]

har kaa rang kadhae n outharai guramukh paragaasaa ||

The color of the Lord's Love never fades away; the Gurmukhs are enlightened.

Eie ikrpw kir kY myilAnu nwnk hir pwsw ]26]

oue kirapaa kar kai maelian naanak har paasaa ||26||

Granting His Grace, He unites them with Himself; O Nanak, the Lord keeps them by His side. ||26||