SGGSAng 786Raag SuhiVaar Suhi Ki Mahalla 38 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

sUhY vyis kwmix kulKxI jo pRB Coif pr purK Dry ipAwru ]

aucwrx kul`KxI

soohai vaes kaaman kulakhanee jo prabh shhodd par purakh dhharae piaar ||

The red-robed bride is vicious; she forsakes God, and cultivates love for another man.

Esu sIlu n sMjmu sdw JUTu bolY mnmuiK krm KuAwru ]

ous seel n sanjam sadhaa jhooth bolai manamukh karam khuaar ||

She has neither modesty or self-discipline; the self-willed manmukh constantly tells lies, and is ruined by the bad karma of evil deeds.

ijsu pUrib hovY iliKAw iqsu siqguru imlY Bqwru ]

jis poorab hovai likhiaa this sathigur milai bhathaar ||

She who has such pre-ordained destiny, obtains the True Guru has her Husband.

sUhw vysu sBu auqwir Dry gil pihrY iKmw sIgwru ]

aucwrx g`il; iKmw: polw bolo

soohaa vaes sabh outhaar dhharae gal pehirai khimaa seegaar ||

She discards all her red dresses, and wears the ornaments of mercy and forgiveness around her neck.

pyeIAY swhurY bhu soBw pwey iqsu pUj kry sBu sYswru ]

paeeeai saahurai bahu sobhaa paaeae this pooj karae sabh saisaar ||

In this world and the next, she receives great honor, and the whole world worships her.

Eh rlweI iksY dI nw rlY ijsu rwvy isrjnhwru ]

ouh ralaaee kisai dhee naa ralai jis raavae sirajanehaar ||

She who is enjoyed by her Creator Lord stands out, and does not blend in with the crowd.

nwnk gurmuiK sdw suhwgxI ijsu AivnwsI purKu Brqwru ]1]

naanak guramukh sadhaa suhaaganee jis avinaasee purakh bharathaar ||1||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh is the happy soul-bride forever; she has the Imperishable Lord God as her Husband. ||1||