SGGSAng 1381Salok Shaikh Farid JiSalok Seikh Farid Ke2 linesSheikh Farid Ji
hMsu aufir koDRY pieAw loku ivfwrix jwie ]
aucwrx koDRY: dulwvW 'r' nUµ lw ky
hans ouddar kodhhrai paeiaa lok viddaaran jaae ||
The swans fly away, and land in the fields of grain. The people go to chase them away.
gihlw loku n jwxdw hMsu n koDRw Kwie ]65]
aucwrx koDRw: kµnw 'r' nUµ lw ky
gehilaa lok n jaanadhaa hans n kodhhraa khaae ||65||
The thoughtless people do not know, that the swans do not eat the grain. ||65||