keI koit Bey bYrwgI ]
kee kott bheae bairaagee ||
Many millions become Bairaagees, who renounce the world.
rwm nwm sµig iqin ilv lwgI ]
raam naam sang thin liv laagee ||
They have attached themselves to the Lord's Name.
keI koit pRB kau Kojµqy ]
kee kott prabh ko khojanthae ||
Many millions are searching for God.
Awqm mih pwrbRhmu lhµqy ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
aatham mehi paarabreham lehanthae ||
Within their souls, they find the Supreme Lord God.
keI koit drsn pRB ipAws ]
kee kott dharasan prabh piaas ||
Many millions thirst for the Blessing of God's Darshan.
iqn kau imilE pRBu Aibnws ]
thin ko miliou prabh abinaas ||
They meet with God, the Eternal.
keI koit mwgih sqsµgu ]
kee kott maagehi sathasang ||
Many millions pray for the Society of the Saints.
pwrbRhm iqn@ lwgw rMgu ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham thin laagaa rang ||
They are imbued with the Love of the Supreme Lord God.
ijn kau hoey Awip supRsµn ]
jin ko hoeae aap suprasann ||
Those with whom He Himself is pleased,
nwnk qy jn sdw Din Dµin ]6]
naanak thae jan sadhaa dhhan dhhann ||6||
O Nanak, are blessed, forever blessed. ||6||