SGGSAng 257Raag GauriBavan Akhari Mahalla 59 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


ddw dwqw eyku hY sB kau dyvnhwr ]

dhadhaa dhaathaa eaek hai sabh ko dhaevanehaar ||

DADDA: The One Lord is the Great Giver; He is the Giver to all.

dyNdy qoit n AwveI Agnq Bry Bµfwr ]

dhaenadhae thott n aavee aganath bharae bhanddaar ||

There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing.

dYnhwru sd jIvnhwrw ]

dhainehaar sadh jeevanehaaraa ||

The Great Giver is alive forever.

mn mUrK ikau qwih ibswrw ]

man moorakh kio thaahi bisaaraa ||

O foolish mind, why have you forgotten Him?

dosu nhI kwhU kau mIqw ]

dhos nehee kaahoo ko meethaa ||

No one is at fault, my friend.

mwieAw moh bMDu pRiB kIqw ]

maaeiaa moh bandhh prabh keethaa ||

God created the bondage of emotional attachment to Maya.

drd invwrih jw ky Awpy ]

dharadh nivaarehi jaa kae aapae ||

He Himself removes the pains of the Gurmukh;

nwnk qy qy gurmuiK DRwpy ]34]

naanak thae thae guramukh dhhraapae ||34||

O Nanak, he is fulfilled. ||34||