pauVI ]
pourree ||
qKiq rwjw so bhY ij qKqY lwiek hoeI ]
thakhath raajaa so behai j thakhathai laaeik hoee ||
That king sits upon the throne, who is worthy of that throne.
ijnI scu pCwixAw scu rwjy syeI ]
jinee sach pashhaaniaa sach raajae saeee ||
Those who realize the True Lord, they alone are the true kings.
eyih BUpiq rwjy n AwKIAih dUjY Bwie duKu hoeI ]
eaehi bhoopath raajae n aakheeahi dhoojai bhaae dhukh hoee ||
These mere earthly rulers are not called kings; in the love of duality, they suffer.
kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY ijsu jwdy iblm n hoeI ]
keethaa kiaa saalaaheeai jis jaadhae bilam n hoee ||
Why should someone praise someone else who is also created? They depart in no time at all.
inhclu scw eyku hY gurmuiK bUJY su inhclu hoeI ]6]
aucwrx bU`JY
nihachal sachaa eaek hai guramukh boojhai s nihachal hoee ||6||
The One True Lord is eternal and imperishable. One who, as Gurmukh, understands becomes eternal as well. ||6||