jYqsrI mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx jYqsrI mh`lw pMjvw
jaithasaree mehalaa 5 ||
Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl:
mn mih siqgur iDAwnu Drw ]
man mehi sathigur dhhiaan dhharaa ||
Within my mind, I cherish and meditate on the True Guru.
idRiV@E igAwnu mMqRü hir nwmw pRB jIau mieAw krw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx mMqRü: AONkV rwry nUµ lw ky
dhrirrihou giaan manthra har naamaa prabh jeeo maeiaa karaa ||1|| rehaao ||
He has implanted within me spiritual wisdom and the Mantra of the Lord's Name; Dear God has shown mercy to me. ||1||Pause||
kwl jwl Aru mhw jµjwlw Cutky jmih frw ]
kaal jaal ar mehaa janjaalaa shhuttakae jamehi ddaraa ||
Death's noose and its mighty entanglements have vanished, along with the fear of death.
AwieE duK hrx srx kruxwpiq gihE crx Awsrw ]1]
aucwrx kruxw-piq
aaeiou dhukh haran saran karunaapath gehiou charan aasaraa ||1||
I have come to the Sanctuary of the Merciful Lord, the Destroyer of pain; I am holding tight to the Support of His feet. ||1||
nwv rUp BieE swDsµgu Bv iniD pwir prw ]
aucwrx in`iD
naav roop bhaeiou saadhhasang bhav nidhh paar paraa ||
The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has assumed the form of a boat, to cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
Aipau pIE gqu QIE Brmw khu nwnk Ajru jrw ]2]2]6]
aucwrx Aipau: polw bolo (ASuD: A-ipau); Ajru: polw bolo (ASuD: A-jru); jrw: polw bolo
apio peeou gath thheeou bharamaa kahu naanak ajar jaraa ||2||2||6||
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, and my doubts are shattered; says Nanak, I can bear the unbearable. ||2||2||6||