SGGSAng 859Raag GaundMahalla 416 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBµ gurpRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr; sYBµ: it`pI iv`c rhxw

ik oankaar sath naam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajoonee saibhan gur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:

rwgu gOf caupdy mhlw 4 Gru 1 ]

aucwrx rwgu gOf cau-pdy mh`lw cauQw Gru pihlw: ieQy 'gOf' knOVy nwl bolo

raag gonadd choupadhae mehalaa 4 ghar 1 ||

Raag Gond, Chau-Padas, Fourth Mehl, First House:

jy min iciq Aws rKih hir aUpir qw mn icMdy Anyk Anyk Pl pweI ]

jae man chith aas rakhehi har oopar thaa man chindhae anaek anaek fal paaee ||

If, in his conscious mind, he places his hopes in the Lord, then he shall obtain the fruits of all the many desires of his mind.

hir jwxY sBu ikCu jo jIie vrqY pRBu GwilAw iksY kw ieku iqlu n gvweI ]

har jaanai sabh kishh jo jeee varathai prabh ghaaliaa kisai kaa eik thil n gavaaee ||

The Lord knows everything which happens to the soul. Not even an iota of one's effort goes to waste.

hir iqs kI Aws kIjY mn myry jo sB mih suAwmI rihAw smweI ]1]

har this kee aas keejai man maerae jo sabh mehi suaamee rehiaa samaaee ||1||

Place your hopes in the Lord, O my mind; the Lord and Master is pervading and permeating all. ||1||

myry mn Awsw kir jgdIs gusweI ]

maerae man aasaa kar jagadhees gusaaee ||

O my mind, place your hopes in the Lord of the World, the Master of the Universe.

jo ibnu hir Aws Avr kwhU kI kIjY sw inhPl Aws sB ibrQI jweI ]1] rhwau ]

jo bin har aas avar kaahoo kee keejai saa nihafal aas sabh birathhee jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

That hope which is placed in any other than the Lord - that hope is fruitless, and totally useless. ||1||Pause||

jo dIsY mwieAw moh kutµbu sBu mq iqs kI Aws lig jnmu gvweI ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

jo dheesai maaeiaa moh kuttanb sabh math this kee aas lag janam gavaaee ||

That which you can see, Maya, and all attachment to family - don't place your hopes in them, or your life will be wasted and lost.

ien@ kY ikCu hwiQ nhI khw krih ieih bpuVy ien@ kw vwihAw kCu n vsweI ]

einh kai kishh haathh nehee kehaa karehi eihi bapurrae einh kaa vaahiaa kashh n vasaaee ||

Nothing is in their hands; what can these poor creatures do? By their actions, nothing can be done.

myry mn Aws kir hir pRIqm Apuny kI jo quJu qwrY qyrw kutµbu sBu CfweI ]2]

maerae man aas kar har preetham apunae kee jo thujh thaarai thaeraa kuttanb sabh shhaddaaee ||2||

O my mind, place your hopes in the Lord, your Beloved, who shall carry you across, and save your whole family as well. ||2||

jy ikCu Aws Avr krih primqRI mq qUµ jwxih qyrY ikqY kµim AweI ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

jae kishh aas avar karehi paramithree math thoon jaanehi thaerai kithai kanm aaee ||

If you place your hopes in any other, in any friend other than the Lord, then you shall come to know that it is of no use at all.

ieh Aws primqRI Bwau dUjw hY iKn mih JUTu ibnis sB jweI ]

eih aas paramithree bhaao dhoojaa hai khin mehi jhooth binas sabh jaaee ||

This hope placed in other friends comes from the love of duality. In an instant, it is gone; it is totally false.

myry mn Awsw kir hir pRIqm swcy kI jo qyrw GwilAw sBu Qwie pweI ]3]

maerae man aasaa kar har preetham saachae kee jo thaeraa ghaaliaa sabh thhaae paaee ||3||

O my mind, place your hopes in the Lord, your True Beloved, who shall approve and reward you for all your efforts. ||3||

Awsw mnsw sB qyrI myry suAwmI jYsI qU Aws krwvih qYsI ko Aws krweI ]

aasaa manasaa sabh thaeree maerae suaamee jaisee thoo aas karaavehi thaisee ko aas karaaee ||

Hope and desire are all Yours, O my Lord and Master. As You inspire hope, so are the hopes held.

ikCu iksI kY hiQ nwhI myry suAwmI AYsI myrY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]

aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI

kishh kisee kai hathh naahee maerae suaamee aisee maerai sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||

Nothing is in the hands of anyone, O my Lord and Master; such is the understanding the True Guru has given me to understand.

jn nwnk kI Aws qU jwxih hir drsnu dyiK hir drsin iqRpqweI ]4]1]

jan naanak kee aas thoo jaanehi har dharasan dhaekh har dharasan thripathaaee ||4||1||

You alone know the hope of servant Nanak, O Lord; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, he is satisfied. ||4||1||