SGGSAng 1245Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


BUpiq rwjy rMg rwie sµcih ibKu mwieAw ]

bhoopath raajae rang raae sanchehi bikh maaeiaa ||

Kings, rulers and monarchs enjoy pleasures and gather the poison of Maya.

kir kir hyqu vDwiedy pr drbu curwieAw ]

kar kar haeth vadhhaaeidhae par dharab churaaeiaa ||

In love with it, they collect more and more, stealing the wealth of others.

puqR klqR n ivs hih bhu pRIiq lgwieAw ]

aucwrx kl`qR

puthr kalathr n visehehi bahu preeth lagaaeiaa ||

They do not trust their own children or spouses; they are totally attached to the love of Maya.

vyKidAw hI mwieAw Duih geI pCuqih pCuqwieAw ]

vaekhadhiaa hee maaeiaa dhhuhi gee pashhuthehi pashhuthaaeiaa ||

But even as they look on, Maya cheats them, and they come to regret and repent.

jm dir bDy mwrIAih nwnk hir BwieAw ]21]

aucwrx b`Dy

jam dhar badhhae maareeahi naanak har bhaaeiaa ||21||

Bound and gagged at Death's door, they are beaten and punished; O Nanak, it pleases the Will of the Lord. ||21||