pauVI ]
pourree ||
xwxw rx qy sIJIAY Awqm jIqY koie ]
naanaa ran thae seejheeai aatham jeethai koe ||
NANNA: One who conquers his own soul, wins the battle of life.
haumY An isau lir mrY so soBw dU hoie ]
houmai an sio lar marai so sobhaa dhoo hoe ||
One who dies, while fighting against egotism and alienation, becomes sublime and beautiful.
mxI imtwie jIvq mrY gur pUry aupdys ]
manee mittaae jeevath marai gur poorae oupadhaes ||
One who eradicates his ego, remains dead while yet alive, through the Teachings of the Perfect Guru.
mnUAw jIqY hir imlY iqh sUrqx vys ]
aucwrx sUr`qx
manooaa jeethai har milai thih soorathan vaes ||
He conquers his mind, and meets the Lord; he is dressed in robes of honor.
xw ko jwxY Awpxo eykih tyk ADwr ]
naa ko jaanai aapano eaekehi ttaek adhhaar ||
He does not claim anything as his own; the One Lord is his Anchor and Support.
rYix idnsu ismrq rhY so pRBu purKu Apwr ]
rain dhinas simarath rehai so prabh purakh apaar ||
Night and day, he continually contemplates the Almighty, Infinite Lord God.
ryx sgl ieAw mnu krY eyaU krm kmwie ]
raen sagal eiaa man karai eaeoo karam kamaae ||
He makes his mind the dust of all; such is the karma of the deeds he does.
hukmY bUJY sdw suKu nwnk iliKAw pwie ]31]
aucwrx bU`JY
hukamai boojhai sadhaa sukh naanak likhiaa paae ||31||
Understanding the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he attains everlasting peace. O Nanak, such is his pre-ordained destiny. ||31||