gux gwvih pwXwil Bgq nwgwid BuXµgm ]
aucwrx pwXwil: pwieAwil bolo; 'BuXMgm: Buie-Amgm bolo
gun gaavehi paayaal bhagath naagaadh bhuyangam ||
In the nether worlds, His Praises are sung by the devotees like Shaysh-naag in serpent form.
mhwdyau gux rvY sdw jogI jiq jµgm ]
aucwrx jiq: polw bolo
mehaadhaeo gun ravai sadhaa jogee jath jangam ||
Shiva, the Yogis and the wandering hermits sing His Praises forever.
gux gwvY muin b´wsu ijin byd b´wkrx bIcwirA ]
aucwrx b´wsu: ibAwsu bolo; b´wkrx: ibAwkrx bolo
gun gaavai mun byaas jin baedh byaakaran beechaaria ||
Vyaas the silent sage, who studied the Vedas and its grammar, sings His Praise.
bRhmw gux aucrY ijin hukim sB isRsit svwrIA ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamaa gun oucharai jin hukam sabh srisatt savaareea ||
His Praises are sung by Brahma, who created the entire universe by God's Command.
bRhmMf KMf pUrn bRhmu gux inrgux sm jwixE ]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamandd khandd pooran breham gun niragun sam jaaniou ||
God fills the galaxies and realms of the universe; He is known to be the same, manifest and unmanifest.
jpu kl sujsu nwnk gur shju jogu ijin mwixE ]9]
aucwrx su-jsu
jap kal sujas naanak gur sehaj jog jin maaniou ||9||
KAL chants the Sublime Praises of Guru Nanak, who enjoys mastery of Yoga. ||9||