SGGSAng 1244Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


gurmuiK ihrdY sWiq hY nwau augiv AwieAw ]

guramukh hiradhai saanth hai naao ougav aaeiaa ||

Peace and tranquility fill the heart of the Gurmukh; the Name wells up within them.

jp qp qIrQ sMjm kry myry pRB BwieAw ]

jap thap theerathh sanjam karae maerae prabh bhaaeiaa ||

Chanting and meditation, penance and self-discipline, and bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage - the merits of these come by pleasing my God.

ihrdw suDu hir syvdy sohih gux gwieAw ]

hiradhaa sudhh har saevadhae sohehi gun gaaeiaa ||

So serve the Lord with a pure heart; singing His Glorious Praises, you shall be embellished and exalted.

myry hir jIau eyvY Bwvdw gurmuiK qrwieAw ]

maerae har jeeo eaevai bhaavadhaa guramukh tharaaeiaa ||

My Dear Lord is pleased by this; he carries the Gurmukh across.

nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu hir dir sohwieAw ]18]

naanak guramukh maelian har dhar sohaaeiaa ||18||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh is merged with the Lord; he is embellished in His Court. ||18||