SGGSAng 685Raag DhanasariMahalla 97 linesGuru Tegh Bahadur Ji

DnwsrI mhlw 9 ]

aucwrx DnwsrI mh`lw nwvw

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 9 ||

Dhanaasaree, Ninth Mehl:

Ab mY kaunu aupwau krau ]

ab mai koun oupaao karo ||

Now, what efforts should I make?

ijh ibiD mn ko sMsw cUkY Bau iniD pwir prau ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx in`iD

jih bidhh man ko sansaa chookai bho nidhh paar paro ||1|| rehaao ||

How can I dispel the anxieties of my mind? How can I cross over the terrifying world-ocean? ||1||Pause||

jnmu pwie kCu Blo n kIno qw qy AiDk frau ]

janam paae kashh bhalo n keeno thaa thae adhhik ddaro ||

Obtaining this human incarnation, I have done no good deeds; this makes me very afraid!

mn bc kRm hir gun nhI gwey Xh jIA soc Drau ]1]

aucwrx Xh: 'X' dI ApnI Avwj

man bach kram har gun nehee gaaeae yeh jeea soch dhharo ||1||

In thought, word and deed, I have not sung the Lord's Praises; this thought worries my mind. ||1||

gurmiq suin kCu igAwnu n aupijE psu ijau audru Brau ]

guramath sun kashh giaan n oupajiou pas jio oudhar bharo ||

I listened to the Guru's Teachings, but spiritual wisdom did not well up within me; like a beast, I fill my belly.

khu nwnk pRB ibrdu pCwnau qb hau piqq qrau ]2]4]9]9]13]58]4]93]

kahu naanak prabh biradh pashhaano thab ho pathith tharo ||2||4||9||9||13||58||4||93||

Says Nanak, O God, please confirm Your Law of Grace; for only then can I, the sinner, be saved. ||2||4||9||9||13||58||4||93||