SGGSAng 258Raag GauriBavan Akhari Mahalla 59 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


bbw bRhmu jwnq qy bRhmw ]

aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

babaa breham jaanath thae brehamaa ||

BABBA: One who knows God is a Brahmin.

bYsno qy gurmuiK suc Drmw ]

baisano thae guramukh such dhharamaa ||

A Vaishnaav is one who, as Gurmukh, lives the righteous life of Dharma.

bIrw Awpn burw imtwvY ]

beeraa aapan buraa mittaavai ||

One who eradicates his own evil is a brave warrior;

qwhU burw inkit nhI AwvY ]

thaahoo buraa nikatt nehee aavai ||

No evil even approaches him.

bwiDE Awpn hau hau bµDw ]

baadhhiou aapan ho ho bandhhaa ||

Man is bound by the chains of his own egotism, selfishness and conceit.

dosu dyq Awgh kau AMDw ]

dhos dhaeth aageh ko andhhaa ||

The spiritually blind place the blame on others.

bwq cIq sB rhI isAwnp ]

baath cheeth sabh rehee siaanap ||

But all debates and clever tricks are of no use at all.

ijsih jnwvhu so jwnY nwnk ]39]

jisehi janaavahu so jaanai naanak ||39||

O Nanak, he alone comes to know, whom the Lord inspires to know. ||39||