pauVI ]
pourree ||
FFw FUFq kh iPrhu FUFnu ieAw mn mwih ]
dtadtaa dtoodtath keh firahu dtoodtan eiaa man maahi ||
DHADHA: Where are you going, wandering and searching? Search instead within your own mind.
sµig quhwrY pRBu bsY bnu bnu khw iPrwih ]
sang thuhaarai prabh basai ban ban kehaa firaahi ||
God is with you, so why do you wander around from forest to forest?
FyrI Fwhhu swDsµig AhµbuiD ibkrwl ]
dtaeree dtaahahu saadhhasang ahanbudhh bikaraal ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, tear down the mound of your frightful, egotistical pride.
suKu pwvhu shjy bshu drsnu dyiK inhwl ]
sukh paavahu sehajae basahu dharasan dhaekh nihaal ||
You shall find peace, and abide in intuitive bliss; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan, you shall be delighted.
FyrI jw mY jim mrY grB join duK pwie ]
aucwrx jw mY: v`Krw krky
dtaeree jaamai jam marai garabh jon dhukh paae ||
One who has such a mound as this, dies and suffers the pain of reincarnation through the womb.
moh mgn lptq rhY hau hau AwvY jwie ]
aucwrx mgn: polw bolo
moh magan lapattath rehai ho ho aavai jaae ||
One who is intoxicated by emotional attachment, entangled in egotism, selfishness and conceit, shall continue coming and going in reincarnation.
Fhq Fhq Ab Fih pry swD jnw srnwie ]
dtehath dtehath ab dtehi parae saadhh janaa saranaae ||
Slowly and steadily, I have now surrendered to the Holy Saints; I have come to their Sanctuary.
duK ky Pwhy kwitAw nwnk lIey smwie ]30]
dhukh kae faahae kaattiaa naanak leeeae samaae ||30||
God has cut away the noose of my pain; O Nanak, He has merged me into Himself. ||30||