SGGSAng 653Raag SorathRaag Sorath Vaar Mahalley 4 Ki5 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

ey mn hir jI iDAwie qU iek min iek iciq Bwie ]

eae man har jee dhhiaae thoo eik man eik chith bhaae ||

O mind, meditate on the Dear Lord, with single-minded conscious concentration.

hir kIAw sdw sdw vifAweIAw dyie n pCoqwie ]

aucwrx vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

har keeaa sadhaa sadhaa vaddiaaeeaa dhaee n pashhothaae ||

The glorious greatness of the Lord shall last forever and ever; He never regrets what He gives.

hau hir kY sd bilhwrxY ijqu syivAY suKu pwie ]

ho har kai sadh balihaaranai jith saeviai sukh paae ||

I am forever a sacrifice to the Lord; serving Him, peace is obtained.

nwnk gurmuiK imil rhY haumY sbid jlwie ]1]

naanak guramukh mil rehai houmai sabadh jalaae ||1||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains merged with the Lord; he burns away his ego through the Word of the Shabad. ||1||