Awsw ]
aasaa ||
bwqI sUkI qylu inKUtw ]
baathee sookee thael nikhoottaa ||
The wick has dried up, and the oil is exhausted.
mMdlu n bwjY ntu pY sUqw ]1]
mandhal n baajai natt pai soothaa ||1||
The drum does not sound, and the actor has gone to sleep. ||1||
buiJ geI Agin n inkisE DUµAw ]
aucwrx buiJ: polw bolo
bujh gee agan n nikasiou dhhoonaa ||
The fire has gone out, and no smoke is produced.
riv rihAw eyku Avru nhI dUAw ]1] rhwau ]
rav rehiaa eaek avar nehee dhooaa ||1|| rehaao ||
The One Lord is pervading and permeating everywhere; there is no other second. ||1||Pause||
tUtI qMqu n bjY rbwbu ]
aucwrx b`jY
ttoottee thanth n bajai rabaab ||
The string has broken, and the guitar makes no sound.
BUil ibgwirE Apnw kwju ]2]
bhool bigaariou apanaa kaaj ||2||
He mistakenly ruins his own affairs. ||2||
kQnI bdnI khnu khwvnu ]
kathhanee badhanee kehan kehaavan ||
When one comes to understand,
smiJ prI qau ibsirE gwvnu ]3]
samajh paree tho bisariou gaavan ||3||
He forgets his preaching, ranting and raving, and arguing. ||3||
khq kbIr pMc jo cUry ]
kehath kabeer panch jo choorae ||
Says Kabeer, the state of supreme dignity is never far
iqn qy nwih prmpdu dUry ]4]2]11]
thin thae naahi param padh dhoorae ||4||2||11||
From those who conquer the five demons of the body passions. ||4||2||11||