SGGSAng 406Raag AsaMahalla 58 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 iqpdy ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw iq-pdy

aasaa mehalaa 5 thipadhae ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Tipadas:

Ehw pRym iprI ]1] rhwau ]

ouhaa praem piree ||1|| rehaao ||

I seek the Love of my Beloved. ||1||Pause||

kink mwixk gj moqIAn lwln nh nwh nhI ]1]

kanik maanik gaj motheean laalan neh naah nehee ||1||

Gold, jewels, giant pearls and rubies - I have no need for them. ||1||

rwjn Bwgn hukm n swdn ikCu ikCu n cwhI ]2]

raaj n bhaag n hukam n saadhan kishh kishh n chaahee ||2||

Imperial power, fortunes, royal command and mansions - I have no desire for these. ||2||

crnn srnn sMqn bMdn ]

charanan saranan santhan bandhan ||

The Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet, and dedication to the Saints

suKo suKu pwhI ]

sukho sukh paahee ||

These bring me peace and pleasure.

nwnk qpiq hrI ]

naanak thapath haree ||

O Nanak, my burning fire has been put out,

imly pRym iprI ]3]3]143]

milae praem piree ||3||3||143||

Obtaining the Love of the Beloved. ||3||3||143||