gUjrI sRI jYdyv jIau kw pdw Gru 4
aucwrx gUjrI sRI jYdyv jIau kw pdw Gru cauQw
goojaree sree jaidhaev jeeo kaa padhaa ghar 4
Goojaree, Padas Of Jai Dayv Jee, Fourth House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
prmwid purK mnoipmM siq Awid Bwv rqµ ]
aucwrx pr-mwid; mno-ipmM; r`qµ
paramaadh purakhamanopiman sath aadh bhaav rathan ||
In the very beginning, was the Primal Lord, unrivalled, the Lover of Truth and other virtues.
prmdBuqµ prikRiq prµ jid icMiq srb gqµ ]1]
aucwrx prmd-Buqµ; pr-ikRiq
paramadhabhuthan parakirath paran jadhichinth sarab gathan ||1||
He is absolutely wonderful, transcending creation; remembering Him, all are emancipated. ||1||
kyvl rwm nwm mnormM ]
aucwrx m-normM: iek`Tw bolo
kaeval raam naam manoraman ||
Dwell only upon the beauteous Name of the Lord,
bid AMimRq qq mieAM ]
badh anmrith thath maeian ||
The embodiment of ambrosial nectar and reality.
n dnoiq j smrxyn jnm jrwiD mrx BieAM ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx smr-xyn
n dhanoth jasamaranaen janam jaraadhh maran bhaeian ||1|| rehaao ||
Remembering Him in meditation, the fear of birth, old age and death will not trouble you. ||1||Pause||
ieCis jmwid prwBXµ jsu sÍsiq suikRq ikRqµ ]
aucwrx prwBXµ: prw-BieAM bolo, 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj; sÍsiq: su-Asiq bolo; su-ikRq
eishhas jamaadh paraabhayan jas svasath sukirath kirathan ||
If you desire to escape the fear of the Messenger of Death, then praise the Lord joyfully, and do good deeds.
Bv BUq Bwv smib´AM prmM pRsµn imdµ ]2]
aucwrx smib´AM: sm`ibAM bolo
bhav bhooth bhaav samabiyaan paraman prasannamidhan ||2||
In the past, present and future, He is always the same; He is the embodiment of supreme bliss. ||2||
loBwid idRsit pr igRhµ jid ibiD Awcrxµ ]
aucwrx loBwid: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj; Awcrxµ: 'Aw' kµny sihq bolo
lobhaadh dhrisatt par grihan jadhibidhh aacharanan ||
If you seek the path of good conduct, forsake greed, and do not look upon other men's property and women.
qij skl duhikRq durmqI Bju ckRDr srxµ ]3]
aucwrx durm`qI; B`ju; ckR-Dr: 'D' dI ApnI Avwj
thaj sakal dhuhakirath dhuramathee bhaj chakradhhar saranan ||3||
Renounce all evil actions and evil inclinations, and hurry to the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||3||
hir Bgq inj inhkyvlw ird krmxw bcsw ]
aucwrx inh-kyvlw
har bhagath nij nihakaevalaa ridh karamanaa bachasaa ||
Worship the immaculate Lord, in thought, word and deed.
jogyn ikM jgyn ikM dwnyn ikM qpsw ]4]
aucwrx jogyn: polw bolo; j`gyn; d`wnyn
jogaen kin jagaen kin dhaanaen kin thapasaa ||4||
What is the good of practicing Yoga, giving feasts and charity, and practicing penance? ||4||
goibMd goibMdyiq jip nr skl isiD pdµ ]
aucwrx goibM-dyiq; is`iD
gobindh gobindhaeth jap nar sakal sidhh padhan ||
Meditate on the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, O man; He is the source of all the spiritual powers of the Siddhas.
jYdyv Awieau qs sPutµ Bv BUq srb gqµ ]5]1]
aucwrx sPutµ: polw bolo (ASuD: sPu`tµ)
jaidhaev aaeio thas safuttan bhav bhooth sarab gathan ||5||1||
Jai Dayv has openly come to Him; He is the salvation of all, in the past, present and future. ||5||1||