SGGSAng 1247Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


sBu ko lyKy ivic hY mnmuKu AhµkwrI ]

sabh ko laekhae vich hai manamukh ahankaaree ||

All are held accountable, even the egotistical self-willed manmukhs.

hir nwmu kdy n cyqeI jmkwlu isir mwrI ]

har naam kadhae n chaethee jamakaal sir maaree ||

They never even think of the Name of the Lord; the Messenger of Death shall hit them on their heads.

pwp ibkwr mnUr siB ldy bhu BwrI ]

aucwrx l`dy

paap bikaar manoor sabh ladhae bahu bhaaree ||

Their sin and corruption are like rusty slag; they carry such a heavy load.

mwrgu ibKmu frwvxw ikau qrIAY qwrI ]

maarag bikham ddaraavanaa kio thareeai thaaree ||

The path is treacherous and terrifying; how can they cross over to the other side?

nwnk guir rwKy sy aubry hir nwim auDwrI ]27]

naanak gur raakhae sae oubarae har naam oudhhaaree ||27||

O Nanak, those whom the Guru protects are saved. They are saved in the Name of the Lord. ||27||