pauVI ]
pourree ||
qU scw swihbu scu scu sBu DwirAw ]
thoo sachaa saahib sach sach sabh dhhaariaa ||
You are True, O my True Lord and Master; You uphold all that is true.
gurmuiK kIqo Qwtu isrij sµswirAw ]
guramukh keetho thhaatt siraj sansaariaa ||
You created the world, making a place for the Gurmukhs.
hir AwigAw hoey byd pwpu puMnu vIcwirAw ]
har aagiaa hoeae baedh paap punn veechaariaa ||
By the Will of the Lord, the Vedas came into being; they discriminate between sin and virtue.
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu qRY gux ibsQwirAw ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamaa bisan mehaes thrai gun bisathhaariaa ||
You created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and the expanse of the three qualities.
nv KMf ipRQmI swij hir rMg svwirAw ]
nav khandd prithhamee saaj har rang savaariaa ||
Creating the world of the nine regions, O Lord, You have embellished it with beauty.
vykI jµq aupwie AMqir kl DwirAw ]
vaekee janth oupaae anthar kal dhhaariaa ||
Creating the beings of various kinds, You infused Your power into them.
qyrw AMqu n jwxY koie scu isrjxhwirAw ]
thaeraa anth n jaanai koe sach sirajanehaariaa ||
No one knows Your limit, O True Creator Lord.
qU jwxih sB ibiD Awip gurmuiK insqwirAw ]1]
thoo jaanehi sabh bidhh aap guramukh nisathaariaa ||1||
You Yourself know all ways and means; You Yourself save the Gurmukhs. ||1||