SGGSAng 1238Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 47 linesGuru Angad Dev Ji

slok mhlw 2 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw dUjw

salok mehalaa 2 ||

Shalok, Second Mehl:

swh cly vxjwirAw iliKAw dyvY nwil ]

saah chalae vanajaariaa likhiaa dhaevai naal ||

The merchants come from the Banker; He sends the account of their destiny with them.

ilKy aupir hukmu hoie leIAY vsqu sm@wil ]

likhae oupar hukam hoe leeai vasath samhaal ||

On the basis of their accounts, He issues the Hukam of His Command, and they are left to take care of their merchandise.

vsqu leI vxjwreI vKru bDw pwie ]

aucwrx b`Dw

vasath lee vanajaaree vakhar badhhaa paae ||

The merchants have purchased their merchandise and packed up their cargo.

kyeI lwhw lY cly ieik cly mUlu gvwie ]

kaeee laahaa lai chalae eik chalae mool gavaae ||

Some depart after having earned a good profit, while others leave, having lost their investment altogether.

QoVw iknY n mMigE iksu khIAY swbwis ]

thhorraa kinai n mangiou kis keheeai saabaas ||

No one asks to have less; who should be celebrated?

ndir iqnw kau nwnkw ij swbqu lwey rwis ]1]

nadhar thinaa ko naanakaa j saabath laaeae raas ||1||

The Lord casts His Glance of Grace, O Nanak, upon those who have preserved their capital investment. ||1||