SGGSAng 381Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

bwhru Doie AMqru mnu mYlw duie Taur Apuny Koey ]

baahar dhhoe anthar man mailaa dhue thour apunae khoeae ||

He washes outwardly, but within, his mind is filthy; thus he loses his place in both worlds.

eIhw kwim kRoiD moih ivAwipAw AwgY muis muis roey ]1]

eehaa kaam krodhh mohi viaapiaa aagai mus mus roeae ||1||

Here, he is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment; hereafter, he shall sigh and weep. ||1||

goivMd Bjn kI miq hY horw ]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo; m`iq

govindh bhajan kee math hai horaa ||

The way to vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe is different.

vrmI mwrI swpu n mreI nwmu n suneI forw ]1] rhwau ]

varamee maaree saap n maree naam n sunee ddoraa ||1|| rehaao ||

Destroying the snake-hole, the snake is not killed; the deaf person does not hear the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw kI ikriq Coif gvweI BgqI swr n jwnY ]

maaeiaa kee kirath shhodd gavaaee bhagathee saar n jaanai ||

He renounces the affairs of Maya, but he does not appreciate the value of devotional worship.

byd swsqR kau qrkin lwgw qqu jogu n pCwnY ]2]

aucwrx qr-kin

baedh saasathr ko tharakan laagaa thath jog n pashhaanai ||2||

He finds fault with the Vedas and the Shaastras, and does not know the essence of Yoga. ||2||

auGir gieAw jYsw Kotw FbUAw ndir srwPw AwieAw ]

aucwrx auuGir: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

oughar gaeiaa jaisaa khottaa dtabooaa nadhar saraafaa aaeiaa ||

He stands exposed, like a counterfeit coin, when inspected by the Lord, the Assayer.

AMqrjwmI sBu ikCu jwnY aus qy khw CpwieAw ]3]

antharajaamee sabh kishh jaanai ous thae kehaa shhapaaeiaa ||3||

The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows everything; how can we hide anything from Him? ||3||

kUiV kpit bµic inMmunIAwdw ibnis gieAw qqkwly ]

aucwrx kpit: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`it); inM-munIAwdw

koorr kapatt banch ninmuneeaadhaa binas gaeiaa thathakaalae ||

Through falsehood, fraud and deceit, the mortal collapses in an instant - he has no foundation at all.

siq siq siq nwnik kihAw ApnY ihrdY dyKu smwly ]4]3]42]

sath sath sath naanak kehiaa apanai hiradhai dhaekh samaalae ||4||3||42||

Truly, truly, truly, Nanak speaks; look within your own heart, and realize this. ||4||3||42||