SGGSAng 1244Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


ijn@ AMdir inMdw dustu hY nk vFy nk vFwieAw ]

jin andhar nindhaa dhusatt hai nak vadtae nak vadtaaeiaa ||

Those who are filled with vicious slander, shall have their noses cut, and be shamed.

mhw krUp duKIey sdw kwly muh mwieAw ]

mehaa karoop dhukheeeae sadhaa kaalae muh maaeiaa ||

They are totally ugly, and always in pain. Their faces are blackened by Maya.

Blky auiT inq pr drbu ihrih hir nwmu curwieAw ]

bhalakae outh nith par dharab hirehi har naam churaaeiaa ||

They rise early in the morning, to cheat and steal from others; they hide from the Lord's Name.

hir jIau iqn kI sµgiq mq krhu riK lyhu hir rwieAw ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

har jeeo thin kee sangath math karahu rakh laehu har raaeiaa ||

O Dear Lord, let me not even associate with them; save me from them, O my Sovereign Lord King.

nwnk pieAY ikriq kmwvdy mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]17]

naanak paeiai kirath kamaavadhae manamukh dhukh paaeiaa ||17||

O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs act according to their past deeds, producing nothing but pain. ||17||