pauVI ]
pourree ||
ffw fyrw iehu nhI jh fyrw qh jwnu ]
ddaddaa ddaeraa eihu nehee jeh ddaeraa theh jaan ||
DADDA: This is not your true place; you must know where that place really is.
auAw fyrw kw sMjmo gur kY sbid pCwnu ]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)
ouaa ddaeraa kaa sanjamo gur kai sabadh pashhaan ||
You shall come to realize the way to that place, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
ieAw fyrw kau sRmu kir GwlY ]
eiaa ddaeraa ko sram kar ghaalai ||
This place, here, is established by hard work,
jw kw qsU nhI sµig cwlY ]
jaa kaa thasoo nehee sang chaalai ||
But not one iota of this shall go there with you.
auAw fyrw kI so imiq jwnY ]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)
ouaa ddaeraa kee so mith jaanai ||
The value of that place beyond is known only to those,
jw kau idRsit pUrn BgvwnY ]
jaa ko dhrisatt pooran bhagavaanai ||
Upon whom the Perfect Lord God casts His Glance of Grace.
fyrw inhclu scu swD sMg pwieAw ]
ddaeraa nihachal sach saadhhasang paaeiaa ||
That permanent and true place is obtained in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy;
nwnk qy jn nh folwieAw ]29]
naanak thae jan neh ddolaaeiaa ||29||
O Nanak, those humble beings do not waver or wander. ||29||