SGGSAng 1381Salok Shaikh Farid JiSalok Seikh Farid Ke2 linesSheikh Farid Ji

PrIdw BµnI GVI svµnvI tutI nwgr lju ]

aucwrx l`ju

fareedhaa bhannee gharree savannavee ttuttee naagar laj ||

Fareed, your beautiful body shall break apart, and the subtle thread of the breath shall be snapped.

AjrweIlu Prysqw kY Gir nwTI Aju ]68]

aucwrx Ajrw-eIlu; P-rysqw

ajaraaeel faraesathaa kai ghar naathee aj ||68||

In which house will the Messenger of Death be a guest today? ||68||