SGGSAng 474Raag AsaAsa Mahalla 1 Vaar Salokaa Naal7 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


cwkru lgY cwkrI jy clY KsmY Bwie ]

aucwrx l`gY; c`lY

chaakar lagai chaakaree jae chalai khasamai bhaae ||

If a servant, performing service, obeys the Will of his Master,

hurmiq iqsno AglI Ehu vjhu iB dUxw Kwie ]

aucwrx hurm`iq; iB: ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: By)

huramath this no agalee ouhu vajahu bh dhoonaa khaae ||

His honor increases, and he receives double his wages.

KsmY kry brwbrI iPir gYriq AMdir pwie ]

aucwrx b-rwbrI

khasamai karae baraabaree fir gairath andhar paae ||

But if he claims to be equal to his Master, he earns his Master's displeasure.

vjhu gvwey Aglw muhy muih pwxw Kwie ]

aucwrx muhy: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUhy); muih: ishwrI nwl bolo

vajahu gavaaeae agalaa muhae muhi paanaa khaae ||

He loses his entire salary, and is also beaten on his face with shoes.

ijsdw idqw Kwvxw iqsu khIAY swbwis ]

aucwrx id`qw

jis dhaa dhithaa khaavanaa this keheeai saabaas ||

Let us all celebrate Him, from whom we receive our nourishment.

nwnk hukmu n cleI nwil Ksm clY Ardwis ]22]

aucwrx c`lY

naanak hukam n chalee naal khasam chalai aradhaas ||22||

O Nanak, no one can issue commands to the Lord Master; let us offer prayers instead. ||22||