dUDu ktorY gfvY pwnI ]
dhoodhh kattorai gaddavai paanee ||
Naam Dayv milked the brown cow,
kpl gwie nwmY duih AwnI ]1]
aucwrx kpl: polw bolo (ASuD: k-pl)
kapal gaae naamai dhuhi aanee ||1||
And brought a cup of milk and a jug of water to his family god. ||1||
dUDu pIau goibMdy rwie ]
dhoodhh peeo gobindhae raae ||
“Please drink this milk, O my Sovereign Lord God.
dUDu pIau myro mnu pqIAwie ]
dhoodhh peeo maero man patheeaae ||
Drink this milk and my mind will be happy.
nwhI q Gr ko bwpu irswie ]1] rhwau ]
naahee th ghar ko baap risaae ||1|| rehaao ||
Otherwise, my father will be angry with me.”||1||Pause||
suoien ktorI AMimRq BrI ]
aucwrx souien: suien bolo
suoein kattoree anmrith bharee ||
Taking the golden cup, Naam Dayv filled it with the ambrosial milk,
lY nwmY hir AwgY DrI ]2]
lai naamai har aagai dhharee ||2||
And placed it before the Lord. ||2||
eyku Bgqu myry ihrdy bsY ]
eaek bhagath maerae hiradhae basai ||
The Lord looked upon Naam Dayv and smiled.
nwmy dyiK nrwienu hsY ]3]
naamae dhaekh naraaein hasai ||3||
This one devotee abides within my heart.”||3||
dUDu pIAwie Bgqu Gir gieAw ]
dhoodhh peeaae bhagath ghar gaeiaa ||
The Lord drank the milk, and the devotee returned home.
nwmy hir kw drsnu BieAw ]4]3]
naamae har kaa dharasan bhaeiaa ||4||3||
Thus did Naam Dayv come to receive the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||4||3||