pauVI ]
pourree ||
ppw pr imiq pwru n pwieAw ]
papaa paramith paar n paaeiaa ||
PAPPA: He is beyond estimation; His limits cannot be found.
piqq pwvn Agm hir rwieAw ]
pathith paavan agam har raaeiaa ||
The Sovereign Lord King is inaccessible;
hoq punIq kot AprwDU ]
hoth puneeth kott aparaadhhoo ||
He is the Purifier of sinners. Millions of sinners are purified;
AMimRq nwmu jpih imil swDU ]
anmrith naam japehi mil saadhhoo ||
They meet the Holy, and chant the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.
prpc DRoh moh imt nweI ]
aucwrx prpc: it`pI rihq bolo; imt nweI: v`Kry krk bolo
parapach dhhroh moh mittanaaee ||
Deception, fraud and emotional attachment are eliminated,
jw kau rwKhu Awip gusweI ]
jaa ko raakhahu aap gusaaee ||
By those who are protected by the Lord of the World.
pwiqswhu CqR isr soaU ]
paathisaahu shhathr sir sooo ||
He is the Supreme King, with the royal canopy above His Head.
nwnk dUsr Avru n koaU ]37]
naanak dhoosar avar n kooo ||37||
O Nanak, there is no other at all. ||37||