AstpdI ]
asattapadhee ||
mwnuK kI tyk ibRQI sB jwnu ]
maanukh kee ttaek brithhee sabh jaan ||
Reliance on mortals is in vain - know this well.
dyvn kau eykY Bgvwnu ]
dhaevan ko eaekai bhagavaan ||
The Great Giver is the One Lord God.
ijskY dIAY rhY AGwie ]
aucwrx AGwie: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
jis kai dheeai rehai aghaae ||
By His gifts, we are satisfied,
bhuir n iqRsnw lwgY Awie ]
bahur n thrisanaa laagai aae ||
And we suffer from thirst no longer.
mwrY rwKY eyko Awip ]
maarai raakhai eaeko aap ||
The One Lord Himself destroys and also preserves.
mwnuK kY ikCu nwhI hwiQ ]
maanukh kai kishh naahee haathh ||
Nothing at all is in the hands of mortal beings.
iqs kw hukmu bUiJ suKu hoie ]
aucwrx bU`iJ
this kaa hukam boojh sukh hoe ||
Understanding His Order, there is peace.
iqs kw nwmu rKu kµiT proie ]
this kaa naam rakh kanth paroe ||
So take His Name, and wear it as your necklace.
ismir ismir ismir pRBu soie ]
simar simar simar prabh soe ||
Remember, remember, remember God in meditation.
nwnk ibGnu n lwgY koie ]1]
naanak bighan n laagai koe ||1||
O Nanak, no obstacle shall stand in your way. ||1||