sUhI mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx sUhI mh`lw pMjvw
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehl:
lwlnu rwivAw kvn gqI rI ]
aucwrx gqI: polw bolo
laalan raaviaa kavan gathee ree ||
How have you enjoyed your Dear Beloved?
sKI bqwvhu muJih mqI rI ]1]
aucwrx m`qI
sakhee bathaavahu mujhehi mathee ree ||1||
O sister, please teach me, please show me. ||1||
sUhb sUhb sUhvI ]
soohab soohab soohavee ||
Crimson, crimson, crimson -
Apny pRIqm kY rµig rqI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx r`qI
apanae preetham kai rang rathee ||1|| rehaao ||
This is the color of the soul-bride who is imbued with the Love of her Beloved. ||1||Pause||
pwv mlovau sµig nYn BqIrI ]
paav malovo sang nain bhatheeree ||
I wash Your Feet with my eye-lashes.
jhw pTwvhu jWau qqI rI ]2]
jehaa pathaavahu jaano thathee ree ||2||
Wherever You send me, there I will go. ||2||
jp qp sMjm dyau jqI rI ]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo
jap thap sanjam dhaeo jathee ree ||
I would trade meditation, austerity, self-discipline and celibacy,
iek inmK imlwvhu moih pRwnpqI rI ]3]
eik nimakh milaavahu mohi praanapathee ree ||3||
If I could only meet the Lord of my life, for even an instant. ||3||
mwxu qwxu AhµbuiD hqI rI ]
aucwrx hqI: polw bolo
maan thaan ahanbudhh hathee ree ||
She who eradicates her self-conceit, power and arrogant intellect,
sw nwnk sohwgvqI rI ]4]4]10]
saa naanak sohaagavathee ree ||4||4||10||
O Nanak, is the true soul-bride. ||4||4||10||