isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
srix pey pRB Awpxy guru hoAw ikrpwlu ]
saran peae prabh aapanae gur hoaa kirapaal ||
The Guru is Merciful; we seek the Sanctuary of God.
sqgur kY aupdyisAY ibnsy srb jµjwl ]
sathagur kai oupadhaesiai binasae sarab janjaal ||
Through the Teachings of the True Guru, all worldly entanglements are eliminated.
AMdru lgw rwm nwim AMimRq ndir inhwlu ]1]
andhar lagaa raam naam anmrith nadhar nihaal ||1||
The Name of the Lord is firmly implanted within my mind; through His Ambrosial Glance of Grace, I am exalted and enraptured. ||1||
mn myry siqgur syvw swru ]
man maerae sathigur saevaa saar ||
O my mind, serve the True Guru.
kry dieAw pRBu AwpxI iek inmK n mnhu ivswru ] rhwau ]
karae dhaeiaa prabh aapanee eik nimakh n manahu visaar || rehaao ||
God Himself grants His Grace; do not forget Him, even for an instant. ||Pause||
gux goivMd inq gwvIAih Avgux ktxhwr ]
gun govindh nith gaaveeahi avagun kattanehaar ||
Continually sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, the Destroyer of demerits.
ibnu hir nwm n suKu hoie kir ifTy ibsQwr ]
bin har naam n sukh hoe kar ddithae bisathhaar ||
Without the Name of the Lord, there is no peace. Having tried all sorts of ostentatious displays, I have come to see this.
shjy isPqI riqAw Bvjlu auqry pwir ]2]
aucwrx r`iqAw
sehajae sifathee rathiaa bhavajal outharae paar ||2||
Intuitively imbued with His Praises, one is saved, crossing over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||
qIrQ vrq lK sMjmw pweIAY swDU DUir ]
theerathh varath lakh sanjamaa paaeeai saadhhoo dhhoor ||
The merits of pilgrimages, fasts and hundreds of thousands of techniques of austere self-discipline are found in the dust of the feet of the Holy.
lUik kmwvY iks qy jw vyKY sdw hdUir ]
look kamaavai kis thae jaa vaekhai sadhaa hadhoor ||
From whom are you trying to hide your actions? God sees all;
Qwn Qnµqir riv rihAw pRBu myrw BrpUir ]3]
thhaan thhananthar rav rehiaa prabh maeraa bharapoor ||3||
He is Ever-present. My God is totally pervading all places and interspaces. ||3||
scu pwiqswhI Amru scu scy scw Qwnu ]
sach paathisaahee amar sach sachae sachaa thhaan ||
True is His Empire, and True is His Command. True is His Seat of True Authority.
scI kudriq DwrIAnu sic isrijEnu jhwnu ]
sachee kudharath dhhaareean sach sirajioun jehaan ||
True is the Creative Power which He has created. True is the world which He has fashioned.
nwnk jpIAY scu nwmu hau sdw sdw kurbwnu ]4]16]86]
naanak japeeai sach naam ho sadhaa sadhaa kurabaan ||4||16||86||
O Nanak, chant the True Name; I am forever and ever a sacrifice to Him. ||4||16||86||