SGGSAng 1176Raag BasantMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

bsµqu mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw

basanth mehalaa 3 ||

Basant, Third Mehl:

iqn@ bsµqu jo hir gux gwie ]

thinh basanth jo har gun gaae ||

They alone are in the spring season, who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pUrY Bwig hir Bgiq krwie ]1]

poorai bhaag har bhagath karaae ||1||

They come to worship the Lord with devotion, through their perfect destiny. ||1||

iesu mn kau bsµq kI lgY n soie ]

eis man ko basanth kee lagai n soe ||

This mind is not even touched by spring.

iehu mnu jilAw dUjY doie ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx jilAw: polw bolo

eihu man jaliaa dhoojai dhoe ||1|| rehaao ||

This mind is burnt by duality and double-mindedness. ||1||Pause||

iehu mnu DMDY bWDw krm kmwie ]

eihu man dhhandhhai baandhhaa karam kamaae ||

This mind is entangled in worldly affairs, creating more and more karma.

mwieAw mUTw sdw ibllwie ]2]

maaeiaa moothaa sadhaa bilalaae ||2||

Enchanted by Maya, it cries out in suffering forever. ||2||

iehu mnu CUtY jW siqguru BytY ]

eihu man shhoottai jaan sathigur bhaettai ||

This mind is released, only when it meets with the True Guru.

jmkwl kI iPir AwvY n PytY ]3]

jamakaal kee fir aavai n faettai ||3||

Then, it does not suffer beatings by the Messenger of Death. ||3||

iehu mnu CUtw guir lIAw Cfwie ]

eihu man shhoottaa gur leeaa shhaddaae ||

This mind is released, when the Guru emancipates it.

nwnk mwieAw mohu sbid jlwie ]4]16]

aucwrx jlwie: polw bolo

naanak maaeiaa mohu sabadh jalaae ||4||4||16||

O Nanak, attachment to Maya is burnt away through the Word of the Shabad. ||4||4||16||