SGGSAng 1240Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 47 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

slok mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw pihlw

salok mehalaa 1 ||

Shalok, First Mehl:

duK ivic jµmxu duiK mrxu duiK vrqxu sµswir ]

dhukh vich janman dhukh maran dhukh varathan sansaar ||

In pain, we are born; in pain, we die. In pain, we deal with the world.

duKu duKu AgY AwKIAY piV@ piV@ krih pukwr ]

dhukh dhukh agai aakheeai parrih parrih karehi pukaar ||

Hereafter, there is said to be pain, only pain; the more the mortals read, the more they cry out.

duK kIAw pMfw KulIAw suKu n inkilE koie ]

dhukh keeaa panddaa khulheeaa sukh n nikaliou koe ||

The packages of pain are untied, but peace does not emerge.

duK ivic jIau jlwieAw duKIAw cilAw roie ]

aucwrx jlwieAw: polw bolo

dhukh vich jeeo jalaaeiaa dhukheeaa chaliaa roe ||

In pain, the soul burns; in pain, it departs weeping and wailing.

nwnk isPqI riqAw mnu qnu hirAw hoie ]

aucwrx r`iqAw

naanak sifathee rathiaa man than hariaa hoe ||

O Nanak, imbued with the Lord's Praise, the mind and body blossom forth, rejuvenated.

duK kIAw AgI mwrIAih BI duKu dwrU hoie ]1]

aucwrx A`gI

dhukh keeaa agee maareeahi bhee dhukh dhaaroo hoe ||1||

In the fire of pain, the mortals die; but pain is also the cure. ||1||