sloku mÚ 1 ]
aucwrx sloku mh`lw pihlw
salok ma 1 ||
Shalok, First Mehl:
quDu BwvY qw vwvih gwvih quDu BwvY jil nwvih ]
aucwrx nwvih: 'n' Bwrw krky
thudhh bhaavai thaa vaavehi gaavehi thudhh bhaavai jal naavehi ||
When it pleases You, we play music and sing; when it pleases You, we bathe in water.
jw quDu Bwvih qw krih ibBUqw isM|I nwdu vjwvih ]
aucwrx ib-BUqw: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
jaa thudhh bhaavehi thaa karehi bibhoothaa sinn(g)ee naadh vajaavehi ||
When it pleases You, we smear our bodies with ashes, and blow the horn and the conch shell.
jw quDu BwvY qw pVih kqybw mulw syK khwvih ]
aucwrx mu`lw
jaa thudhh bhaavai thaa parrehi kathaebaa mulaa saekh kehaavehi ||
When it pleases You, we read the Islamic Scriptures, and are acclaimed as Mullahs and Shaykhs.
jw quDu BwvY qw hovih rwjy rs ks bhuqu kmwvih ]
jaa thudhh bhaavai thaa hovehi raajae ras kas bahuth kamaavehi ||
When it pleases You, we become kings, and enjoy all sorts of tastes and pleasures.
jw quDu BwvY qyg vgwvih isr muMfI kit jwvih ]
jaa thudhh bhaavai thaeg vagaavehi sir munddee katt jaavehi ||
When it pleases You, we wield the sword, and cut off the heads of our enemies.
jw quDu BwvY jwih idsµqir suix glw Gir Awvih ]
aucwrx g`lw
jaa thudhh bhaavai jaahi dhisanthar sun galaa ghar aavehi ||
When it pleases You, we go out to foreign lands; hearing news of home, we come back again.
jw quDu BwvY nwie rcwvih quDu Bwxy qUµ Bwvih ]
jaa thudhh bhaavai naae rachaavehi thudhh bhaanae thoon bhaavehi ||
When it pleases You, we are attuned to the Name, and when it pleases You, we become pleasing to You.
nwnku eyk khY bynµqI hoir sgly kUVu kmwvih ]1]
naanak eaek kehai baenanthee hor sagalae koorr kamaavehi ||1||
Nanak utters this one prayer; everything else is just the practice of falsehood. ||1||