SGGSAng 1088Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


gurmuiK Awpy bKisEnu hir nwim smwxy ]

guramukh aapae bakhasioun har naam samaanae ||

The Lord Himself forgives the Gurmukhs; they are absorbed and immersed in the Lord's Name.

Awpy BgqI lwieEnu gur sbid nIswxy ]

aapae bhagathee laaeioun gur sabadh neesaanae ||

He Himself links them to devotional worship; they bear the Insignia of the Guru's Shabad.

snmuK sdw sohxy scY dir jwxy ]

sanamukh sadhaa sohanae sachai dhar jaanae ||

Those who turn towards the Guru, as sunmukh, are beautiful. They are famous in the Court of the True Lord.

AYQY EQY mukiq hY ijn rwm pCwxy ]

aithhai outhhai mukath hai jin raam pashhaanae ||

In this world, and in the world hereafter, they are liberated; they realize the Lord.

DMnu DMnu sy jn ijn hir syivAw iqn hau kurbwxy ]4]

dhhann dhhann sae jan jin har saeviaa thin ho kurabaanae ||4||

Blessed, blessed are those humble beings who serve the Lord. I am a sacrifice to them. ||4||