2: isKI inSkwm hY
Sikh life is without desires
cwir pdwrQ AwKIAin siqgur dyie n gurisKu mMgY ]
chaari padaarad aakheeani satigur dayi n gurasikhu mangai.
The true Guru himself bestows the four ideals; the Sikh of the Guru does a ask for them.
AT isDI inDI nvY iriD n guru isKu FwkY tMgY ]
atd sidhi nidhee navai ridhi n guru sikhu ddhaakai tangai.
The gurmukh never carries on his back the nine treasures and eight miraculous powers.
kwmDyxu lK lKmI phuMc n hMGY FMig suFMgY ]
kaamadhaynu lakh lakhamee pahounch n hanghai ddhangi suddhangai.
Wish fulfilling cow and millions of Laksamis, 'With their fine gestures cannot reach a gursikh — Sikh of the Guru.
lK pwrs lK pwrjwq hiQ n Cuhdw Pl n ABMgY ]
lakh paaras lakh paarijaat hadi n chhuhadaa phal n abhangai.
The Sikh of the Guru never touches the philosopher's stone or transitory fruits millions of wishfulfilling trees.
qMq mMq pwKMf lK bwjIgr bwjwrI nMgY ]
tant mant paakhand lakh baajeegar baajaaree nagai.
Millions of tantrists knowing mantras and tantras are mere naked acrobats for a Sikh of the Guru.
pIr murIdI gwKVI ieks AMig n AMgix AMgY ]
peer mureedee gaakharhee ikas angi n angani angai.
The Guru disciple relationship is very complex because many are its laws and byelaws.
gur isKu dUjy Bwvhu sMgY ]2]
gurasikhu doojay bhaavahu sangai ||2||
The Sikh of the Guru is ever shy of the sense of duality.